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Box braids: the story that endures through time

Box braids are a type of braid of African origin made from the union of natural and synthetic hair. Braiding hair carries ancestry, cultural values, technique and power. Want to know more about this braid that is much sought after by those who are in hair transition? Continue reading the article, produced in partnership with the trance singer Jenifer Silva.

Do you know what box braids are?

Box braids means “box braids”, and that’s exactly what sets this technique apart from other styles. The locks of hair are divided into squares and braided with synthetic hair to the ends.

At the beginning of the 16th century, when the first slave ships arrived in Brazil, braids – especially the nagô braid – were part of a complete system of communication between enslaved people. The braided designs served as escape maps for quilombos, in addition to being a geographic identifier, which marked which region of Africa the person belonged to before being trafficked.

The women hid in their braids some groceries such as rice, beans and other seeds to feed chained family members. When talking about cultural appropriation, all these points need to be taken into account. A black woman with braids is history. The non-black with braids is fashionable.

In an interview with Jenifer, she says that her clients know that braids go far beyond aesthetics. Many of them look for more information on the subject, either on the internet or by consulting the professional.

Box braids is also a way out for those who are going through a hair transition, the process usually takes an average of a year and a half and affects a lot the self-esteem of those who live this moment. Braids are great allies, as the hairstyle involves all hair textures.

Types of box braids

From chanel with brown braids, to long colored locks within the same month, box braids is a possibility to change your hair every time. And the types of synthetic fibers directly influence the result of the work, so talk to the tracista before buying the material.

  • Crochet thread: this material weighs less and is cheaper, shiny and soft than other options. You can find a lot of color variations in your city’s bazaars.
  • Jumbo: with this material, the braids gain a more natural look and this has a higher cost. The jumbo can be found in many colors, mostly in online stores.
  • Kanekalon: The heaviest option of all. Kanekalon has a more artificial shine and limited color chart. It is cheaper than the jumbo and more expensive than the crochet thread. It is an option that works and that also looks very beautiful.

According to Jenifer, the 3 main types of synthetic hair used for box braids are these. And if you are in doubt about which one to choose, ask the professional who will do the braids for help.

How box braids are made

The process of braiding box braids takes, on average, 5 to 8 hours when done with a braid. The time, as well as the value, varies according to the material, length chosen, amount of hair and head size. If you’re going to braid yourself at home, but don’t know where to start, follow the steps below:

  1. Hydrate your hair before braiding: this process is optional, but it’s worth investing your time in it, as it leaves the strands softer and easier to handle;
  2. Leave your hair as untangled as possible and with little cream. This will prevent residue from accumulating in the braids;
  3. Separate a square lock at the nape of the neck and secure the rest of the hair;
  4. Also separate a strand of the chosen fiber, weave it tightly into the natural hair and form 3 strands (2 of fiber and 1 of natural hair);
  5. Cross the two strands of fiber in the natural hair;
  6. Divide the section of natural hair between 3 equal parts. This process hides more of the natural hair in the fibers;
  7. Do the traditional braiding movement to the end;
  8. You can braid to the end of the extension or secure it with an elastic band;
  9. Repeat the process on the entire hair.
  10. It is worth remembering that the professional knows different types of scalps. This understanding preserves the health of the wires, avoids loose braids that last a short time, or too tight to the point of causing pressure alopecia. If you are in doubt or afraid, schedule an appointment with a trance singer.

    Maintenance and care of box braids

    Don’t think that box braids stay intact for a long time without the necessary care. Consider the tips below when braiding your hair:

  • Care begins before the procedure: the hair needs to be clean, with little styling cream and as untangled as possible. This first step ensures the health of the hair, scalp and durability of the braids.
  • Pay attention to your body: the act of braiding takes 5 to 8 hours and the process is tiring for you and the braider. It is important that both are hydrated, fed and in a comfortable environment. Take advantage of this time to exchange experiences, watch a series and take breaks.
  • Pain: the scalp is the basis of the entire process. It all starts with him from the first to the last braid. Headaches and headaches in the scalp are due to this reason and they can last up to 3 days. So, during this period, use soft pillows and notice if the pain decreases. If that doesn’t happen, get in touch with the trancista and she’ll know how to help you.
  • Homemade tip for cleaning: apple cider vinegar has a fungicidal action and can be used on the braids before washing them. Apply the vinegar with the help of a cotton to the 4 sides of the box braids root.
  • Special attention when choosing shampoo: box braids are washed with soap and water. During the period you have braids, choose cleansing or detox shampoos, as they are usually transparent and less likely to leave residue in the hair.
  • Washing frequency: it is recommended to wash the braids once a week. But be careful: never use any cream while you have box braids. They are made to stick to the hair and this ends up accumulating residues that cause a bad smell and harm the health of the hair, in addition to clogging the scalp.
  • Is it less frizz you want? Use a sleeping scarf: to prevent the braids from rubbing against the pillow, use a sleeping scarf or a more satin pillowcase. This exchange will ensure frizz-free box braids for longer.
  • You can use a hairdryer: under no circumstances sleep with damp or wet braids. Use the hair dryer to avoid the appearance of fungi that can cut your high.
  • Pay attention to the maintenance period: we lose an average of 50 to 100 hairs every day. With box braids, these strands are stuck in the braids and after 3 months of continuous use, it becomes more difficult to untangle the hair when undoing the hairstyle.

Jenifer tells us that box braids are known as a protective hairstyle, meaning the braids serve as a cocoon for natural hair. It envelops the strands and protects them from exposure to weather, pollution and dryness. It is worth remembering that periodic hygiene is still essential for the health of the hair and scalp.

Tutorials on how to care for box braids

We separate some videos with tips and the step by step on how to take care of braids, check them out below:

Tips for washing and drying box braids

In this video, Jana Honorato, from the Tô de Crespa channel, teaches you how to wash your entire braids during the shower.

How to wash box braids

Jacy Carvalho also teaches a quick method to wash the roots of braids without getting the entire length wet. This is a good option for cleaning on cold or rainy days.

frizz-free braids

The friction with the pillow will cause frizz in the box braids, unless you pay attention to Jana Honorato’s tips in the video above.

How does the hair look after braids?

Curious to see how your hair looks after the braids are removed? Follow this process by Gabi Oliveira from the De Pretas channel.

Now that you know all the stages of box braids, it’s time to find the perfect inspiration for you.

20 reasons to braid your hair now

Interested in joining box braids? Keep this list of inspirations and send photos as references to the tracista in your region:

1. See the boldness of blue braids

2. How about long and red

3. Thicker box braids can also be an option

4. Here we have the classic beaked chanel

5. The result of the red synthetic jumbo is amazing

6. But how about betting on short and blue hair?

7. There is a variety of colors for the synthetic jumbo

8. You can dare with a stylish hairstyle

9. Or leave them free, light and loose

10. Box braids are perfect for a casual bun

11. Shorter braids are also a good choice

12. The striking volume of long braids enchants

13. The charm of colored locks too

14. There is no shortage of ideas for using box braids

15. Box braids allow for imposing hairstyles

16. They are striking hair for women with attitude

17. The long bob is the favorite cut of fashionistas

18. Long black locks never go out of style

19. Traditional hairstyles are more stylish with braids

20. And the colors will enhance your beauty even more

Now that you know the origin of box braids, what types of synthetic hair are available on the market and other special tips, it’s your turn to try something new. And if you want more inspiration, check out our article on blonde box braids.

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