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After all, carbohydrates at night make you fat?

You may have heard someone out there saying that eating carbohydrates at night makes you fat. Many people are adept at diets that allow them to eat rice, breads and other foods that are sources of carbohydrates until 6 pm or, at most, 7 pm.

However, there are not a few professionals who argue that this is not the best way to lose weight and that carbohydrates should be part of our main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). On the other hand, many weight loss diets have appeared with the proposal of reducing and even excluding this nutrient.

The subject really generates controversy and to define which, in fact, is the best solution – to consume or not carbs at night -, it is essential to understand what carbohydrates are and how they act.

The different types of carbohydrates

Nutritionist Marcela Frias, from Clínica Dicorp, explains that carbohydrate is very important, as one of its main tasks is to provide energy for the body to carry out its metabolic functions.

The professional adds that there are different types of carbohydrates. “They are classified into monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. The first two are known as simple carbohydrates and the polysaccharides as complex carbohydrates,” she says.

Simple carbohydrates are quickly digested. “This causes blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, thus causing the release of insulin that favors a faster absorption of glucose. Insulin, being a hormone that provides the storage of calories to the detriment of burning, facilitates weight gain and makes it difficult to lose weight. This type of carbohydrate is present in sweets, sugars, honey, fruits and jellies”, explains Marcela.

Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, have a slower digestion, being more slowly absorbed by the body, thus avoiding blood glucose spikes. “When rich in fiber or resistant starch, which has a similar effect to fiber, they make you feel full more quickly, decrease the absorption of fat and sugar from the diet and result in better blood glucose control. They are rice, wholegrain breads and pasta, potatoes, cereals, yams, cassava, beans, chickpeas, corn”, highlights the nutritionist.

Are carbohydrates also important in the diet of those who want to lose weight?

Camilla Coelho, nutritionist from Rio de Janeiro, a method for weight loss and food reeducation based on a protein diet, points out that, when talking about a diet for weight loss, you should be very careful with the supply of certain nutrients. “The food plan should be structured in such a way that the carbohydrate intake, in particular, is appropriate to the person’s objective and level of physical activity”, she says.

Despite its clear role in the body, as an energy source for sports activities, Camilla highlights that there are many aspects of weight loss diets emerging with the proposal of reducing and even excluding this nutrient. “Knowing that carbohydrate is the main source of energy for our body, reducing its consumption makes our body seek energy from other food sources, such as proteins and fats. In this way, diets planned taking into account a restriction in the consumption of carbohydrates appear with great potential for the effectiveness of weight loss treatment”, explains the nutritionist.

However, emphasizes the professional, in diets very restricted in carbohydrates, although weight loss occurs more quickly compared to hypocaloric diets, this weight loss rate is reduced if this type of diet is taken in the long term. “Therefore, the best way to make it effective and really guarantee results is, after a restricted period, to return with a food plan that aims to gradually increase the supply of carbohydrates again in the diet, in order to submit the individual to a food reeducation and future maintenance. weight loss,” says Camilla.

Carbohydrate at night

In the opinion of nutritionist Marcela Frias, carbohydrates should be part of dinner, as this meal is also very important. “The secret is to balance, knowing how to consume the right amount, in order to avoid excesses, in addition to making healthier options, such as rice or wholegrain pasta, quinoa, oatmeal, sweet potato or baroa, among others”, he explains. Is it over there.

For nutritionist Camilla Coelho, carbohydrates should not be completely excluded from the diet, but they should not be consumed in excess either. “Its consumption beyond what is necessary and without a proportional stimulus of energy expenditure will inevitably lead to weight gain”, she says.

Camilla explains that carbohydrate is a macronutrient, the preferred source of energy for our body, which is part of cellular structures, muscles and several other areas of the body. Therefore, it is normally present in most of our meals.

The professional also remembers that there are two types of carbohydrates. Simple ones, made from white flour and refined sugar, which, when ingested, enter the body and are quickly broken down into glucose molecules. “If you don’t exercise, this consumption of simple carbohydrates will inevitably lead to an increase in fat stores, those love handles that bother us so much. This, regardless of the time. If you eat this type of carbohydrate at night, what happens is that it probably won’t perform many functions at that time. Which means the body will store that energy,” she explains.

On the other hand, emphasizes nutritionist Camilla, by ingesting amounts of carbohydrates in the morning, you will be more likely to use glucose from breakfast, completely or partially, right after eating. Thus, the fear that many people have in consuming this nutrient at night is justified.

“The other type of carbohydrate, the complex one, does not undergo a refining process and, therefore, its fibers are preserved. In this way, when consumed, your digestive process is slowed down and the release of insulin is not as required, and there is also no need for stock”, recalls Camilla.

In the opinion of nutritionist Camilla, for those who seek a better use of carbohydrates in a way that does not interfere with their diet, an adequate recommendation for intake is around 50% of the total caloric value of the diet. “This nutrient should be supplied in the form of mostly whole grains, such as rice, wheat, corn, oats, or tubers such as potatoes, cassava, manioc and, at a minimum, with honey, fruits, pasta, and breads”, she says.

“In short, the best way for weight loss to occur in a healthy way, and for it to be effective, so that the weight is not regained again, is to adapt the food plan according to the needs of each organism, adapting each type of nutrient to schedules and activity levels,” explains Camilla. “Also not forgetting that proteins should preferably be part of all meals, being fractionated throughout the day, even before bed”, she adds.

It is also worth noting that, in order to obtain reliable results, multidisciplinary participation is essential. “A nutritionist will provide information and tools for a healthy and personalized diet to the person’s metabolism and routine. A physical education professional will help you create a safe physical exercise routine that is more suited to your goal”, concludes nutritionist Camilla Coelho.

Once again it is clear that diet and physical activity complement each other, so they must always be together in the search for more quality of life!

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

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