The act of “taking” energy from other people is something we all do. When we manage to capture someone’s attention or try to convince them of our point of view, we are manipulating their energy. Often, we do this without bad intentions when, in reality, we should be seeking our own energy. The extreme case is that of energy vampires, who shamelessly usurp your energy.
But then you might ask yourself: How can I obtain energy? And how can I cleanse my energy?
So, how do you get your energy? Today, I will talk about how to absorb energy from trees.
Video: Absorb Tree Energy: A Guide to Natural Healing and Balance
Spiritually speaking, trees are the most evolved plants on the planet. They feed us, protect us, and maintain climate balance. Together with forests, they are the guardians of harmony and the physical and mental health of human beings.
Also, you might be interested in the video on how to connect with the energy of the Earth. I’ve always found comfort in contact with nature; it’s remarkable how my mood improves by absorbing energy from trees.
The Practice of Shinrin-yoku
While researching this topic, I discovered a practice that began in Japan and is spreading worldwide, called shinrin-yoku, which could be translated as “forest bathing.” It involves walking through forests, integrating with the landscape, with old trees, and forgetting worries and the cellphone that keeps us so tied up. We are loaded with magnetism from Wi-Fi, which causes countless physical symptoms we are unaware of.
When I stay close to trees, I perceive the connection between our auras, and that energy exchange brings me peace and wisdom, helping to balance my vibration. I let myself flow, surrendering to my senses with a calm attitude—listening, smelling, touching, and observing.
How to Achieve This Connection with a tree
First, you must choose a tree that attracts you and simply enjoy being with it.
Let me share my experience. When walking through the forests, certain trees attract me more than others, to the point where I feel they are calling me. I don’t choose the tree; I leave it to my intuition. It’s similar to how energetic stones find their owners—did you know that?
Trees communicate with each other underground through their roots to collaborate and feed one another in times of need.
How to Connect with a Tree
This method works for communion with anything—tree, stone, human, or animal. Just as each of us has our own personality and life, trees also have preferences when it comes to contact with humans. Some are very generous and want to give all the energy they absorb. Others are weak or sick and need your restorative energy. Some are simply friendly souls who enjoy our company, while others are rather indifferent. The best trees for healing are large ones, especially pines, as they radiate Chi energy.
The best time of day to practice with a tree is from morning until noon.
You don’t need to hug the tree to establish a connection.
Simply stand very close and imagine that your auras are connecting. Visualize roots growing from your feet, extending underground, and connecting with the tree’s roots. This way, information is transmitted, and the auras are balanced. Inhale to draw the energy into your body with an attitude of “welcome.”
You can use your mind and let your intuition guide you during these exchanges. Take your time and feel what happens.
Four Ways to Exchange Energy with Trees
Here are four ways to energetically connect with trees:
- Allow energy to enter through the soles of your feet from the tree’s roots, ascend through your body, and exit through your crown chakra toward the top of the tree.
- Relax while leaning against the tree, allowing its energy to enter your chakras.
- Place your palms on the trunk and absorb the energy. Feel how accumulated energy in you is released.
- Sit in front of the tree, place your palms on the ground, and absorb the tree’s energy, returning it to the roots, to the earth’s center, through the soles of your feet.
Try standing two to three meters in front of the tree or place your palms on the trunk. I usually ask for permission before touching the tree and give thanks after connecting.
Allow yourself to become more perceptive and prepare to communicate with the tree. Feel how its energy field opens up without emitting or absorbing energy, simply opening up and being available.
Take deep breaths and simply feel—your breath, the scents, the touch, and observe the leaves, the sky. Allow yourself to relax and merge into communion. Let the tree guide you into the wonders of its inner life. Sometimes, I close my eyes and glimpse a kind of mandala of colors, like a kaleidoscope that spins and takes on different forms.
Trees are fascinating. We can appreciate their uniqueness and beauty, their firm roots anchored to the earth, and the way they offer us a sense of peace and serenity when we allow ourselves to connect with their presence.
In this fast-paced and challenging world, connecting with trees is one of the best ways to stay grounded (connected to Mother Earth) and balanced.
Find a friendly-looking tree you feel an affinity for and visit it regularly. Become its friend, get to know it using your intuition and some of these practices. Open your heart and mind to the tree, and see where it leads you.
As you connect with a tree, seek a calm and receptive state. Tune into the tree, listen deeply, and observe. Set an intention, ask a question, or simply converse with the tree. It’s natural and healthy to experience this deep connection and communication with trees and other living beings.
How to close the connection
Always end with Closure. Closure is a precise and somewhat abrupt gesture that breaks the connection, secures any healing that has taken place, and imparts a feeling of goodwill, all in one or two seconds. The closure can be a movement, a sound, or simply a change in the subtle energy field, like clapping your hands or nodding your head. A gentle fist arc movement that ends with a slight downward punch is very effective. Sounds like “Ah” and “Amen,” used to end prayers, are also examples of closure gestures, as is a firm handshake or a slight squeeze at the end of a hug. Besides these closure gestures, wave goodbye or give a quick kiss to the trunk to complete the closure.
Blessed be!