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A Strong Woman Knows She Deserves These 10 Things in a Relationship


Some things just shouldn’t be overlooked:

1. Respect above all else

There is a saying that goes, “Men need respect. Women need love.” However, if a man doesn’t respect a woman first of all, he doesn’t deserve her love, let alone her respect.

Your opinions, choices, interests, body and mind must be honored. Strong women know they don’t have to explain why they need a man’s respect. They just don’t date men who don’t respect them.

2. Someone who understands true intimacy

True intimacy is more than just physical. It is the union of two naked souls, connecting and sharing their lives freely and openly.

It’s the feeling of closeness and letting him see you for all that you really are.

3. Your independence, your freedom to be

A strong woman needs to have a life outside of the relationship. Her man won’t be the center of her universe and she won’t be kept on a leash. The man she chooses will need to honor the space she requires.

4. Someone who lets her be herself

A woman of high value needs a man who respects that she exists on her own terms. She will not tolerate anyone who tries to change her.

If he doesn’t like the way she is, she’ll let him know that he should stay out of her way.

5. Consistent and effective communication

She doesn’t want a man who avoids talking about an issue for whatever reason. She wants someone who understands the importance of listening and communicating as it promotes mutual understanding as well as increasing emotional intimacy.

6. An unshakable foundation of trust

Strong women make strong choices. Her man needs to make sure she knows what she’s doing and can handle her life on her own.

She is responsible, faithful, honest and won’t be with anyone who doesn’t trust her.

7. A true partnership

A woman wants someone who prefers to be her partner, where they both help each other and work as teammates, not opponents.

Thoughts and opinions must be considered in both their interests and they arrive at mutually agreed decisions.

8. Someone who loves with a mad, feverish passion

A strong woman doesn’t just want sex, she wants to be desired with a burning passion that matches her own.

Without passion in the relationship, there is no energy, and without energy, you have nothing.

9. Total effort, always

She wants a man who will come to her, who will write her first, who will enjoy their time together.

A man who goes out of his way and ventures out for the woman he wants is extremely attractive – not just at first, but continuously and enthusiastically throughout the relationship.

She needs someone who proves herself with actions, not just words – who will do everything in their power not to lose her.

A valuable woman doesn’t settle for half men.

10. Unquestionable loyalty

She deserves a man she doesn’t need to question – someone who is committed to her.

A faithful and loyal man is one of the best things a woman can have in her life as he is worth more than a million other men.

See too:

The Real Differences Between Dating Or Just “Staying” With One Person

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