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9 simple ways to adjust your diet to lose weight

Contrary to what many people think, you don’t have to change your entire diet to lose weight. Just find some ways to adjust your diet, with small attitudes that can make all the difference when it comes to losing weight.

These are simple changes and, at the same time, one of the best ways to lose weight, as they allow you to eat what you are already used to and at the same time help you cut calories! See some tips:

1. Drink water and eat salad before meals

The first tip is one of the easiest ways to help the diet and it starts before you even eat. Just drink a large glass of water or eat a salad with a light dressing before meals. The water and salad will help you feel full faster during your meal and will stop you from eating as much. You won’t feel deprived of eating anything, because you will feel full. Plus, opting for a salad helps you add more greens to your diet, which is always good for your health.

2. Opt for wholemeal bread

Switching from regular processed white bread to whole-grain bread doesn’t make much of a difference in terms of calorie intake, but in the long run it helps a lot. Whole grain breads contain more fiber, vitamins and nutrients. Because of this, they tend to be more satisfying and last longer than breads that aren’t made from whole grains. That way, you won’t have to eat as much to satisfy your hunger. Plus, your body can break them down more easily than white packaged breads, and they won’t get stored as fat!

3. Replace processed foods

Gradually replace processed foods, which tend to be low in nutrients, which makes your body look for more food to find the nutrients it needs.

4. Swap sugar for sweetener

If you like to sweeten your coffee or tea with sugar, switching to a sweetener is an easy way to ditch unwanted calories. But instead of chemical sweeteners, opt for natural alternatives, which are healthier and contain no harmful ingredients.

5. Change the way you consume sauces

Instead of filling the salad with dressing, pour the dressing into a glass and dip your fork into the glass before eating the salad. This will decrease your consumption by about 80%, without losing flavor. If you are going to eat in restaurants, always ask for the sauce separately and, preferably, opt for the least caloric.

6. Eat slowly

If you want to keep eating some of your favorite foods but also want to lose weight, try eating slower. Savor every bite, chew well, and pay attention to your body, watching when it starts to feel full. When you get this signal, stop eating. As your stomach shrinks, you’ll get full faster and with less amount of food.

7. Replace the margarine

Margarine is made from chemically produced hydrogenated oils and has been linked to weight gain, reduced metabolism and an increased risk of heart disease. So butter is a better option. And olive oil is even better, as it has health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, that butter does not.

8. Change your condiments

Sandwiches are always one of most people’s favorite dishes, but they are usually very caloric, depending on your condiments. So, if you opt for sandwiches, prefer lighter condiments, such as mustard or vinegar. Also, try adding vegetable seasonings, which will help keep you full and keep you from snacking on chips or other treats.

9. Swap ice cream for yogurt

By opting for frozen instead of ice cream, you can cut about 100 calories on average. They are just as delicious, but much healthier.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

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