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9 Meanings of Nightmares Almost Everyone Has Had

Nightmares usually indicate that our body is trying to cope with stress and tension. And the repeated, terrifying images in these bad dreams could be caused by certain illnesses at a very early stage of development. For example, if you are starting to have asthma, you might dream that you are drowning and not being able to breathe; already if you have headaches, you can dream of a bump on the head. But most of the time, the subconscious tries to show what really worries us and what problems we should think about in order to find a solution.

O awesome.club discovered that, according to some psychologists, dreams (and nightmares) are often the body’s way of showing that it has certain problems. You just need to know how to interpret them. Do you want to see it?

1. Labyrinth

Anxiety and confusion are the main sensations in this type of dream. You are in a labyrinth, tunnel or forest where you can’t find the way out and you panic or just don’t understand what to do.

This dream pattern indicates that it is difficult for you to make a concrete decision and take the next step, that you are rejecting the events of the previous day or what will come in the near future. Dreams can repeat until you find support and make a decision.

2. Attempted murder

3. Missing an important event

In a dream, you suddenly realize that you missed a very important event: an interview, your own wedding, your son’s party, etc.

Some types of unsettling dreams often occur to people who live at a very fast pace. They are always worried about not meeting the expectations of others and fear making mistakes. If that’s the case with you, maybe you don’t realize how much you suppress your anxiety and attach great importance to failures.

4. Dead people

In the case of a recent death of a loved one, such dreams mean that you have not yet gotten over the loss. They can also mean a subconscious concern for your own health and panic about the unknown. And, in most cases (that uncle of yours who died a year ago, for example), the dream is part of the process of overcoming grief.

5. Your love leaves you

To dream that you are abandoned or betrayed by your better half, indicates your anxiety about your real life. But, if all is well in your relationship, then the subconscious may be expressing its own insecurity. Perhaps you fear that you are not good enough for your lover, that he is unattractive or that he is no longer pleasing. Think about what can cause pleasant emotions and how to gain stability and, first of all, self-confidence.

6. Trap or Prison

When you dream of a trap, a prison or an ambush, the most important thing is the impossibility of getting out, even if you are not afraid and not anxious. This also applies to dreams when you cannot move to escape imminent danger.

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Psychologists explain such dreams as follows: in real life, this can mean the impossibility of getting out of an unpleasant situation. Do you think you’ve exhausted all possible solutions? Are they forcing you to go against your will, or are you forcing yourself to suppress your desires? Feel what it is that makes you get out of the trap and start to get out.

7. Loss of voice

Have you ever dreamed of not being able to move or scream in the face of imminent danger, as if your voice had disappeared or you could only whisper?

Such dreams are effects of so-called sleep paralysis. In REM (deep, or rapid eye movement) sleep, the brain is active and the body is paralyzed. In general, the ability to move returns to us before we are fully awake. But sometimes this process may not happen correctly: the brain wakes up and the body cannot move. In such a semi-conscious state, we can continue having a dream or wake up and perceive all of reality without being able to move the body.

Sleep paralysis itself is not a problem, but it can indicate some disorders when it occurs too often.

8. Insects

Insects appear in dreams when the subconscious tries to visualize negative fears and emotions, feelings of guilt, confusion and low self-esteem. The larger and nicer the insect, the stronger the problems. Dreaming of insects is usually associated with excessive rationalism and suppression of emotions. Try to pay more attention to what you feel, forgetting logic a little more.

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It is also worth understanding what some specific insects mean to you, after analyzing the personal associations related to them.

9. Disorder in the house and shame before guests

Almost always, the house or apartment in a dream represents our personality, our self-perception. If you see clutter and feel a sense of discomfort or shame, try to understand that this is a representation of what you don’t like about yourself. Most often, this means dissatisfaction on a physical level, poor health, irritability or dependence on other people’s opinions.

Cleaning symbolizes getting rid of negative factors. Already looking for something at home represents self-analysis. Dreams in which people are invading the house are usually associated with a feeling of threat, emotional violence or invasion of your privacy or boundaries.

In addition to the psychological aspects, disturbing dreams can be associated with overeating and excessive use of caffeine at night and even with external stimuli (for example, when you sleep in a very suffocating room). Be sure to get rid of all negative factors and sleep well!

What other nightmares should be on this list? Comment!

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