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8 Subtle Ways to Show a Man You’re Interested

“Women are obviously smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who lost her mind just because the man had beautiful legs?”

The above sentence is attributed to a famous actress who preferred not to assume her authorship. But let’s face it: in some ways she is right. After all, women seem much smarter than men.

The game that places the man as a hunter and the woman as the prey is very old and, despite the changes in society, it still seems relevant to be discussed. But how to show in subtle ways that you are interested? Check out the most recommended signs.

1. smile

Scientists have shown that women who smile are more interested than women who seem mysterious or too sure of themselves. By smiling, the woman sends a signal that she is happy and that he will be too. And who would refuse such an offer?

2. Demonstrations of interest

When a man feels that a woman is interested, he is interested too. Honest questions about his tastes and views always help in the process.

Reaction to avoid: “I can’t understand why you ride a motorcycle.” Best choice: “I’ve always wanted to understand where this passion for motorcycles comes from.”

3. Request for help

4. Sincere thanks

The moment of gratitude and praise is always good for flirting, for a possible physical approach or even for a more sincere exchange of looks.

Here’s a message for men: try not to overstep the limits. After all, a thank you can be just that: a thank you.

5. Feel strong

The protective instinct is basic in women, but not in men. So when a guy realizes he can protect another person, he feels good. In other words, when a woman shows a man that it is important for him to care about her, he tends to see this gesture as a sign and not be afraid to try something.

6. Speak directly

There are many jokes about men’s inability to understand the clues women leave between the lines. If you want to invite a man to see a movie, invite him! Many men don’t understand that a sentence about a movie is an invitation to see that movie. So don’t be afraid to say everything directly. Express your thoughts directly, always.

7. Stable behavior

If you are interested in someone, try to maintain a standard behavior of conduct. Many women end up acting differently when they are interested. They are often mysterious and act contradictory. They do so thinking it will intrigue the man, but usually it ends up confusing him and he distances himself.

8. Don’t become your best friend

If all that doesn’t work out, you have two options: talk openly about your feelings or just look around and realize that there are always other people interested in you. These tips are just part of a theory of behavior. Find the best way to conquer a person and let yourself be conquered. Love is not a logical science and everyone knows what is best for them.

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