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8 causes of white spot on the face and recommended treatments

The face is a region that needs constant care, as it is sensitive skin that is more prone to dryness and allergies. In addition, heavy exposure to the sun can cause wrinkles and blemishes. Learn what the appearance of white spot on the face can be and clarify your doubts about the treatments.

1. Vitiligo

The white spot from vitiligo forms on the skin slowly and gradually without physical symptoms such as pain or itching. It is an autoimmune disease, not contagious and acquired through genetic inheritance. Its development occurs from activities of the body’s defense cells that do not recognize melanocytes, which are responsible for the production of melanin, and destroy them.

Diagnosis is through clinical analysis and laboratory tests, performed exclusively by a dermatologist. The disease has no cure and the use of sunscreen is extremely important not to cause burns in the region of the stain.


The dermatologist Marília Furlanetto, CRM 26925\RQE 20804, states that the treatment must be carried out to control the disease and individually for each patient. It can be done through creams, ointments, oral medications, phototherapy and psychotherapies.

External factors such as trauma and emotional stress can stimulate the onset of vitiligo. But remember that only a trained professional can prescribe the diagnosis and correct treatment for the disease.

2. White cloth

It is a fungal infection that affects different ages. The spots are rounded and common in oilier areas. Its appearance is common in seasons with humid and hot weather. In addition, excess sweat, poor hygiene, skin oil and low immunity can trigger the appearance of stains.


According to the dermatologist, the treatment is carried out with antifungal creams and tablets, previously prescribed by the health professional. With the correct continuity of treatment, the inflammation can be cured in a few months.

3. Dryness

Dry spots can be caused by uneven production of fat by the sebaceous glands or hormonal changes, or even external factors such as tonics, soaps, hot baths and cold weather. In addition to the whitish areas, other symptoms can be itching, burning and cracking.


The doctor points out that a good moisturizing cream, prescribed by the dermatologist, can already restore skin hydration. Carrying out a daily skin care routine and drinking a good amount of water a day are recommendations that help prevent dermatitis like this.

4. Melasma

With irregularly shaped spots and often referred to as pregnancy spots, the dermatologist explains that their main triggering factor is luminosity. One way to prevent this condition is with the daily use of sunscreen, based on an indication of the ideal protector for your skin type, made by a dermatologist.


The professional clarifies that the treatment for the removal of these spots can be done with depigmenting creams, laser, peelings and microneedling. Marília also highlights that the use of sunscreen is essential in any skin condition and recommends its use 2 to 3 times a day.

5. Lack of vitamins

The white spot on the face can also be caused by restrictive diets lacking some type of vitamin and mineral. As well as the presence of infectious processes can also be a factor for this lack. In addition to white, purplish spots are also characteristic in this type of pathology. Another very common region of manifestation of stains due to lack of vitamins is on the nails.


Marília explains that the treatment is based on the supplementation of these vitamins, however, she warns that only a doctor can prescribe it, as excess can also be harmful. Food sources of vitamins A can help replenish nutrients to the skin. But, this does not dispense with regular consultation with a dermatologist.

6. Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is manifested by white patches accompanied by a lot of itching. In addition, it has thick and dry skin, and may have reddish patches. It is not contagious and its cause can be external, immunological and genetic conditions. Atopic diseases such as asthma and rhinitis can also cause its manifestation.


Treatment can be done through moisturizing creams, ointments and, in more severe cases, oral medication is used. In addition to skin hygiene care so as not to cause irritation.

Be careful because heat can cause more irritation in inflammation, so it is recommended that you avoid using hot water so as not to irritate and dry the skin even more. So choose to wash your face with warm or cold water.

7. Leprosy

It is an infectious disease caused by bacteria and which manifests as white patches without boundaries on the face and body. In addition, other symptoms are variations in temperature, sensitivity, pain and tingling sensation at the spot of the spots.


The dermatologist concludes that the treatment of leprosy is performed by oral medication and will depend on the type of disease. It is extremely important to look for a dermatologist as soon as you suspect the spots, so that he can classify the disease and start treatment.

Leprosy is curable and its treatment lasts from 6 months to 1 year, depending on the type. It is essential that, in identifying any stage of the stain, a health professional is used as soon as possible, so that the treatment is effective.

8. Progressive macular hypomelanosis

The causes are still unknown, this type of stain is common in brown and black skin, with an oily and acne-prone skin. Visually, it can be confused with white cloth and has no symptoms other than stains.


The dermatologist indicates that the treatment is not easy, but involves creams, oral antibiotics and lasers. And she adds that it is extremely necessary to consult a specialized professional before starting any method, so that the correct assessments are made to restore skin color uniformity.

Dermatologist Marília also recommends that at the first sign of a white spot on the face, a doctor should be consulted for a correct assessment of the cause and, thus, indicate the appropriate treatment. See also about swollen face and its main causes. Take care of yourself!

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

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