It even sounds strange to say that a fatty food can help a person lose weight. But, this is exactly the consideration about coconut oil that, for some time, has been part of the diet of many people – especially those who are struggling to lose the unwanted belly fat.
But is this oil really an ally in a weight loss diet? Although this is its most publicized property, it is believed that coconut oil can offer many other benefits to people who consume it properly.
It is worth noting, however, that such benefits still generate controversy, especially among the medical community. But, below, you can check out all the important information about coconut oil and follow what some recent studies have pointed out about this famous food.
What is coconut oil?
According to Karina Valentim, nutritionist at PB Consultoria em Nutrição, it is estimated that coconut is made up of 33% fat. “The oil is obtained by boiling and/or fermenting dry or fresh coconuts, and can be divided into two categories: refined and extra virgin. Refined oil is typically obtained from dried coconut, called copra. Virgin coconut oil is obtained from fresh coconuts, called non-copra,” she explains.
The nutritionist adds that research shows that extra virgin oil is of better quality because it has a greater amount of antioxidants. Check out below the main reasons to include it on the menu:
1. Coconut oil can speed up metabolism
Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides, which are easily absorbed and transformed into energy, so the product can increase metabolism and be used in cases of malabsorption syndromes.
Karina Valentim highlights that, as it contains medium chain triglycerides (MCT), extra virgin coconut oil has a special behavior in the body when compared to other fats. “These triglycerides are easily absorbed and transformed into energy in the liver, not accumulating as fat located in adipocytes, so it would be related as a fat that increases metabolism and not adipogenesis. In addition, because it is quickly digested by the body, it is used in the treatment of malabsorption syndromes,” she explains.
2. Coconut oil can be a great ally in weight loss diets
Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) present in coconut oil activate hormones related to the feeling of satiety. In this way, the tendency is for the person – who already follows a food reeducation program and practices physical activities – to eat less throughout the day and, consequently, lose weight.
Nutritionist Karina highlights that coconut oil is not suitable for all people who want to lose weight, but it can be a strong ally, especially if the individual practices physical activity.
“A study carried out in 2008 showed that the consumption of coconut oil improved weight loss when combined with a food reeducation program. Researchers link the presence of MCT with the activation of hormones, such as cholecystokinin, peptide YY and intestinal inhibitory peptide, increasing the person’s satiety and contributing to healthy weight loss”, explains the professional.
3. Coconut oil can help you lose belly fat
Most people have heard that coconut oil acts on fat loss mainly from the abdominal region. But is this information true?
The idea of the effect taking place mainly in the waist region is due to the presence of omega-9, as some studies show that this fatty acid decreases the production of cortisol – one of the hormones responsible for storing fat in this area.
Nutritionist Karina points out, however, that few studies have confirmed the oil’s efficiency in stimulating LPL (lipoprotein lipase), responsible for degrading triglycerides stored in adipocytes. “Further studies need to be carried out to confirm this possible effect,” she says.
Still according to the professional, “a research carried out in this sense found an increase in the oxidation of total fats in individuals who consumed a diet with coconut oil when compared to those who consumed a diet with a predominance of long-chain triglycerides (common oils), but , the mechanism by which this oxidation of fats took place is not established”, he says.
Thus, the consumption of coconut oil is associated with the loss of abdominal fat mainly due to the presence of omega 9, which is believed to decrease the production of cortisol (one of those responsible for the storage of fat in this area).
4. Coconut oil helps prevent infections
Due to the presence of lauric acid, coconut oil can fight various harmful microorganisms, protecting our body from infections.
Karina Valentim explains that lauric acid is the main medium-chain fatty acid present in coconut oil. In the human body, it turns into monolaurin, which has the function of exerting strong antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal action, fighting various harmful microorganisms, such as: Herpes, Candida albicans, Chlamydia, Streptococcus, Giardia, Helicobacter pylori.
5. Coconut oil provides cholesterol control
Research has shown that coconut oil can increase HDL levels, especially in menopausal women, and can also help lower total cholesterol. Due to its antioxidant action, it can also help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Karina Valentim explains that a study carried out with 1839 Filipino women showed that dietary intake of coconut oil was positively associated with higher levels of HDL (good cholesterol), especially among premenopausal women. “This suggests that the consumption of coconut oil may be beneficial for the lipid profile of women, especially in climacteric,” she says.
The nutritionist also highlights that more recent studies indicate that a decrease in the individual’s total cholesterol levels may occur by the use of coconut oil. “That’s because, this would decrease the stimulation of HMG CoA reductase, responsible for the production of endogenous cholesterol”, she says.
“In addition, this oil has antioxidant action, as it contains phenolic acid and vitamin E (the latter in lesser amounts than other types of oils). These antioxidant compounds prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which can lead to the formation of atheromatous plaque and cardiovascular disease”, highlights Karina.
6. Coconut oil can prevent constipation
Coconut oil, being a fatty food, helps with digestion and, due to the presence of lauric acid and its antibacterial properties, it works by eliminating bad bacteria from the intestine.
Due to the antibacterial function (which is due to the presence of lauric acid), coconut oil helps to eliminate bad bacteria from the intestine, improving, in general, its functioning. In addition, fatty foods, in general, help digestion, mixing with the food bolus and feces, facilitating their passage through the digestive system. However, it is worth noting that excessive consumption of coconut oil can have the opposite result, causing diarrhea.
7. Coconut oil can be a woman’s beauty ally
Consumption of coconut oil can make women’s skin more beautiful and help prevent premature aging, in addition to being used directly to moisturize the hair.
Some studies show that adequate consumption of coconut oil improves skin elasticity. In addition, its antioxidant properties help fight free radicals, one of those responsible for premature aging.
It is worth mentioning that coconut oil can also be used directly on the hair, being added to creams, for example, providing good hydration to the hair.
How should coconut oil be consumed?
With all that in mind, there is no shortage of good reasons to consume coconut oil. However, this must be done in a moderate way.
Karina Valentim explains that, like all oil, it has a large amount of calories and should be consumed in moderation. “The ideal is to consume one to two tablespoons (soup) per day. It is recommended that it be used in cold preparations, such as salads, juices and fruits, and at the end of hot dishes, in order to preserve its antioxidant action”, she highlights.
Problems of overconsumption of coconut oil
In the right measure, consumption of coconut oil can provide several benefits. But if the person exaggerates the amount, there will be a much higher energy intake compared to its expenditure, which will result in weight gain.
Excessive consumption of oil can also bring cardiovascular risks, due to the increase in cholesterol, in addition to possibly causing diarrhea.
Can everyone consume coconut oil?
Karina Valentim explains that extra virgin coconut oil is a food with low allergenic potential and, in general, has no contraindications when consumed in the recommended amount. “It should only be used in small amounts by patients who need a low-fat diet. Therefore, its use should always be accompanied by a doctor or nutritionist, in order to control caloric intake and the amount of total fat in the day, not exceeding 30% of the total daily energy value”, concludes the nutritionist.
So, here’s the tip: consume coconut oil moderately to enjoy the benefits it can offer. Preferably, do this under the supervision of a nutritionist, who will provide you with more important information about this food and guidelines on your diet in general.
The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.