curry chicken
Ingredients: 500 g chicken breast cut into cubes + 1 small onion cut into cubes + 2 cloves of garlic, crushed + 1 col. (soup) shallow curry + 1 col. (soup) saffron shallow + 1 col. (soup) full of cottage cheese + salt + parsley.
Method of preparation
Sauté the onion with a little water. Add the garlic. When they are golden, add the chicken. Then put the curry and saffron. Mix well, sauté the chicken until it cooks. Add the cottage cheese and stir well. If necessary, add a little more water to mix better. Finally, with the fire off, add the parsley and salt.
breaded chicken
Ingredients: 500 g of ground chicken meat + 1 tbsp. (soup) garlic powder + 1 col. (tea) of salt + 2 col. (soup) of fresh parsley + oat bran.
Method of preparation
Season the chicken with garlic, salt and parsley. Make balls from the mixture and coat in the oat bran. Place on a tray lined with aluminum foil and sprayed with oil. Take it to the oven, preheated to 200ºC, for 15 minutes.
Souffle Of Chicken
Ingredients: 100 g of shredded chicken + 1 egg + 1 egg white + parsley + basil + 1 col. (soup) of tomato cubes + 1 col. (soup) of cottage + parmesan.
Method of preparation
Beat the egg and white until smooth. In a refractory, place the chicken, seasonings and tomato. Pour the egg mixture over the top. Finish with cottage cheese and parmesan. Leave in the oven, preheated to 200ºC, for 20 minutes or until golden.
sautéed sweet potato
Ingredients: 200 g peeled sweet potato + 1 pinch of salt + 1 tbsp. (soup) chopped fresh parsley.
Method of preparation
Cut the sweet potato into cubes. Place in a pan with water and bring to a boil to cook – do not let the potatoes get soft. Drain the water. Heat a frying pan greased with spray oil. Place the potatoes, sprinkle with salt and parsley. Let it gold for about 1 minute and turn the potatoes. Repeat this step until golden on all sides.
Sweet Potato Chips with Spicy Avocado Sauce
Ingredients: 2 medium potatoes + olive oil + parsley + parchment paper.
Ingredients: ½ ripe avocado + juice of 1 lemon + 1 clove of garlic + 4 col. (soup) olive oil + sea salt + white pepper + Tabasco pepper sauce + 2 col. (soup) chopped coriander (optional).
Chip preparation method
Slice the potatoes approximately 2 millimeters thick. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and, with the help of a brush, grease the parchment paper. Place the potato slices under the greased paper, brush olive oil over each potato and sprinkle with salt. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 25 minutes or until crispy.
Sauce preparation method
Blend all ingredients in a blender for 1 minute. Store in the fridge in a container wrapped with plastic wrap until serving time.
sweet potato frittata
Ingredients: 1 large sweet potato + 1 tbsp. (tea) of oregano + 1 col. (tea) of rosemary + 1 pinch of black pepper + 1 pinch of salt + 3 egg whites.
Method of preparation
Peel the sweet potato and bring to the boil to cook in water for about 20 minutes – don’t let the potatoes get soft. Drain the water and run the potatoes under cold water to cool them down. Use a grater to grate the entire potato. Put it in a container and add all the seasonings. Mix well and finally add the egg whites to combine. Heat the skillet and grease lightly. Make balls with the potato mixture, place in the skillet and mash with a spatula. Repeat the process with all the dough. Then flip the dumplings and brown the other side.