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5 Sympathy for immediate reconciliation: how to make peace?

Would you like bring your love back? If your desire is to see your loved one coming back, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we separate 5 sympathy options for immediate reconciliation. Anyway, we want to help you make peace to calm your heart.

In the end, sympathy is already part of Brazilian culture. So why not use the power of intention to vibrate Good energies and reconcile?

In fact, we don’t have time to waste. The post starts with a quick sympathy tip for immediate reconciliation. To do so, check out this video by Vanessa Friggo, which shows how to make peace with her love.

How does a sympathy for immediate reconciliation work?

Sympathetic magic is intended to alter something in the microcosm, hoping that it will echo in the macrocosm. This has everything to do with sympathies. And also with the contagion lawwhich is a magical law.

Everything that has been in contact with a certain thing, takes a little of that in itself. Here is an example of how to bring these energies together for the manifestation of desire. Under the light of the Full Moon, we perform a ritual with a strand of hair in a rose bush. And the intention focused on love.

In sympathy for immediate reconciliation, it is essential to visualize that person returning. In this way, you are releasing the intention to the Universe. In turn, the Universe takes care of bringing her back, if it’s for the good of all, of course.

Therefore, it is necessary to be convinced of the intention. Do you really want to do this sympathy for immediate reconciliation? And if that’s what you really want, we’d be happy to help!

5 Powerful Spells for Instant Reconciliation

Next, we separate 5 super sympathies for immediate reconciliation. With that in mind, start getting ready to attract good energies and fan the fire of passion again!

1. Make peace with this coffee sympathy

  • Prepare 1 cup of coffee, that delicious liquid we drink at home;
  • Separate the photo of that loved one (or write the full name on a paper);
  • In the cup, place 4 cloves, 1 spoon of ground papaya seeds and mix well;
  • Then, place the photo (or the paper with the name) inside this mixture;
  • Shake gently so that the photo is wet. Or the paper, as the case may be;
  • With the cup in hand, convey your intention to resume the relationship;
  • Stay in this vibration for about 1 minute;
  • Now, put the cup in your right hand and repeat 3 times a sentence that refers to your desire. An example: “So-and-so, you will come back to me and we will be very happy“;
  • In a vase of pretty flowers, make a hole to pour the liquid and the photo (or the paper);
  • Bury it all together.

2. Bring your love back with the sympathy of the slipper

  • That’s right: your own slipper is the first item of this sympathy;
  • Write the full name of the person you love on the left foot of the slipper;
  • And, on the right foot, write your name;
  • Bring these two feet together, facing each other;
  • Take a ball and wrap the pair of slippers with the black thread;
  • Every time you walk around with the ball, mentalize that love coming back to you;
  • Finally, bury the pair of flip-flops in a pretty plant you have in your house. As a suggestion, it can be “nobody can with me”.

3. Visualize your ex (or your ex) coming back to you

  • With a red pen, write the ex’s name on an unlined piece of paper;
  • In a new glass, put 3 tablespoons of sugar and add half of water;
  • Position the cup in a place that is higher than your head;
  • Light a white candle on a saucer and leave it next to that glass;
  • Offer to guardian angels: both for your own angel and for the ex’s;
  • Visualize the couple resuming the relationship and then say a Hail Mary;
  • The next day, throw it all in the trash (even the saucer and cup).

4. Win back an old love

  • On a sheet of paper, draw the number of hearts that correspond to your age. If you are 20 years old, make 20 hearts;
  • Light a red candle on a saucer;
  • Ask the guardian angel to bring your ex back (or your ex);
  • Wait for this candle to come to an end;
  • Throw the rest of the wax in the trash;
  • Keep the design in the panty drawer until the wish comes true;
  • Once you win back your love, also throw this drawing in the trash.

5. Create your own sympathy powder for immediate reconciliation

  • In the blender, place 1 handful of jasmine and rose flowers (dried), plus 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon. Beat everything until it becomes a powder and store in a glass container, hermetically closed;
  • In a zen corner, place the photo of the couple on a saucer and light 1 red candle;
  • Sprinkle sympathy powder over the candle and photo, making a prayersuch as Santa Marta;
  • Blow out the candle and repeat the ritual for 3 days in a row;
  • After the third day ritual, buy a red rose, sprinkle with sympathy powder, and deliver it to your ex’s house. Along with that, she sends a note that declares her intention to have a second chance at love.

Finally, we want to know if you liked these sympathies for immediate reconciliation. And, of course, we also have several experts to guide you, however you prefer. Tarologists, psychics, holistic therapists, numerologists and much more.

And, to close with a flourish, check out all about sympathies and rituals on the Blog and Youtube:

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