The king is coming back! The trumpet is sounding for the saints to translate.
The land and the sea and the sky all starry come to speak to me of Your perfection.
If we confess to You and follow in Your light, You not only forgive, You also purify, O Jesus!
I lived in perdition, but I found salvation through the great redemption: Calvary!
Have you already received, after you believed, the glorious gift descended from heaven?
50 Rose of Sharon phrases to reflect on God and life
Hanging there on Calvary’s cross! The sins he carried and from guilt he freed us, with the blood that flowed, on Calvary!
God sent His beloved Son to save and forgive me!
By the blood, we are redeemed.
How blind I walked and lost I wandered far from my Saviour!
Because He lives, I can believe in tomorrow. Because He lives, there is no fear.
50 gospel phrases for status that demonstrate all your faith
From heaven, He came down and His blood shed to save such a poor sinner.
Full peace and holy joy I have in You, O my Jesus!
His immense power will come to your aid when you leave everything on the altar.
In this world, I will live singing alleluia to my King!
The love of Jesus Christ is very great to me, for His grace has filled me with endless love.
Blessed be the Lamb who suffered on the cross for us.
This world does not want such a kind Savior. Not knowing how to thank Your great love!
Glory to my Jesus! For he is worthy of praise, he is my King, my good Shepherd.
How deep are the wounds that prove to us how much He loved.
I contemplate this cross, because on it Jesus gave his life for me, a sinner.
40 phrases from gospel songs to demonstrate faith beyond prayer
I rejoice at the cross, from it comes grace and light for my sanctification.
But I know very well, I know, that my life is in the hands of my Jesus, who is alive.
Spirit, soul and body I offer to You, Lord. As a true host in an oblation of love.
I am yours, O Jesus Christ! Your blood bought me. I want Your grace, for I always belong to You.
O my Lord, give me more gratitude for all that You have done for me.
I want to be with Christ where the fight is. In the unforeseen move, in front of me.
I consecrate everything to God. In Christ, the living altar. O come down, holy fire, from heaven come You to seal!
Do not be afraid, in God wait, because very soon, Jesus will come.
Do not disturb the heart, for I am always faithful. I close the lion’s mouth. In the grave, I’m with Daniel.
Whoever has the faith of Abraham, the world will always win.
Jesus from all your evils saves and blesses you, from the high heavens.
Wherever you lead me, my Lord, I will follow for Your love. It is His hand that leads me.
Your love is sweet to me. Joy brings me to obey You.
Whoever is in Christ will always win.
Guide me always, my Lord. Guide my steps, Salvador.
Arrows pierced me, I suffered great pain, but Jesus, my light, made me victorious.
In Jesus, I hid myself and I found a safe shelter in Him.
My desire is to pray and I want to be busy. Yes, in the vineyard of the Lord.
The adored face of Jesus, I shall see. With the beloved flock, in Heaven, I will be!
And whoever possesses the eternal God, resists every tempter.