I don’t want your lines, I want your respect.
A woman is stoned for an action that could have been done by a perfect man.
Carmen Sylva
I don’t mind living in a man’s world as long as I can be a woman in it.
Marilyn Monroe
A woman’s place is wherever she wants.
The history of men’s opposition to women’s emancipation is perhaps more interesting than the history of emancipation itself.
Virginia Woolf
40 phrases by Simone de Beauvoir for those who support feminism
It is still expected of women something very different from what is expected of men. I never accepted that we were treated so differently.
Daniela Mercury
Treating women badly doesn’t make you a man anymore.
I am not free until some woman is free, even when her chains are very different from mine.
audre lord
Every time a woman defends herself, without even realizing that this is possible, without any pretense, she defends all women.
Maya Angelou
Don’t tell me how I should dress. Tell them not to rape.
40 empowerment phrases that will boost your self-esteem
There’s nothing wrong with calling yourself a feminist. I am a feminist and we should all be feminists, because feminism is another word for equality.
Malala Yousafza
The moment we choose to love, we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love, we begin to move toward freedom, to act in ways that free ourselves and others.
bell hooks
Feminism never killed anyone, machismo kills every day.
Don’t insist on your racist speech and your sexist approach. I’m crossing your name off the list!
Gloria Groove
Women, for centuries, served as a mirror to men for having the magical and delicious power of reflecting an image of man twice as large as the natural one.
Virginia Woolf
After “no” everything is harassment.
The world is not a commodity, neither are women!
You messed with one, you messed with all of them.
We will keep on marching until we are all free.
I live where machismo has no place.
32 Frida Kahlo phrases to learn from the artist’s words
Machismo will only be overcome when all women unite to end all types of exploitation.
There is no struggle against machismo without a struggle against capitalism.
Machismo is felt differently according to ethnicity and social class. Therefore, the struggle against this thought is deeper than it seems.
The end of sexist society aims at the freedom of everyone and everyone.
Machismo is, in its essence, capitalist and patriarchal.
We women need to be careful with the machismo that is present in the details of everyday life.
If your fight against machismo doesn’t embrace all women, then you’re just serving the system of oppression.
A fair and free society is a society without sexist thoughts and actions.
Beware: capitalism feeds on machismo and vice versa.
Those who suffer the most from machismo are people marginalized by society. Therefore, feminism must always fight any kind of oppression.
The fight against machismo takes place on a daily basis, in our small actions.
Feminism shouldn’t just be a cool slogan to be used on social media. It must, above all, go against the oppressions propagated by the capitalist and sexist society in which we are inserted.
The fight against machismo must be everyone’s responsibility. After all, men and women are harmed by this archaic model of society.
Machismo takes away the opportunity for brilliant women to be who they really are.
Machismo is not fought with flowers or pretty words. Machismo is fought on a daily basis, in politics and truly emancipatory projects.
We need, little by little, to put an end to that internalized machismo that is present in each of us.
Machismo kills in every possible way.
Feminism is not about pleasing men, it is about truly liberating all kinds of oppression from a patriarchal society.
Machismo makes victims daily: either in the number of deaths, or in the limitation imposed on women just because they are women.
It must be made clear: machismo affects men and women in different ways.