Home » Thoughts » 35 phrases about victimhood to reflect on the excuses you make

35 phrases about victimhood to reflect on the excuses you make

There is no greater sign of cowardice than running away from responsibilities and not taking the blame for what you did.

There are people who are so manipulative that they can pass for victims when they are the villains.

Victimism is something of those who are not able to take responsibility for what they say or what they do.

A person who resorts to victimism reveals that, in fact, he acts in his interests to the point of manipulating others to get what he wants.

Dishonesty is accompanied by victimhood and lack of character.

Save your victimhood and your excuses and take responsibility for the things you do. This is the recipe for real maturity!

The lack of maturity is what leads people to play the victim in the most diverse situations.

It’s tiring to live with dramatic people who play the victim all the time.

I learned that victimhood leads nowhere, so I take responsibility for all my actions. That’s how you mature!

There are people who don’t even know what to do if they need to admit they made a mistake. He’s so used to playing the victim that he doesn’t know any other way to face life.

By playing the victim, you start to put your energy in the wrong place and you are not able to get out of this exaggerated victimism.

It is the debauchery that helps to differentiate who is a real victim and who is just pretending.

Playing the victim is unforgivable, because you abuse people’s goodwill for your own good.

Every person who plays the victim is hidden in his essence.

The victim role doesn’t suit you. Assume, you play the villain who can’t afford what he did.

Victimism drives people away, and in the end, you end up alone and discredited.

Running away from responsibilities is the biggest proof that a person does not take his life seriously.

Your choices are your fault, not anyone else’s. Stop playing the victim and take responsibility for your life.

Some people are really victims. Others are just looking to gain something by pretending to have been wronged.

There are people who choose to continue playing the victim because it is easier to blame someone than to look at their own mistakes.

Victimism arises when the person has never been taught to take responsibility for their choices and outsources functions in their life.

When character is weak, victimism presents itself as a deceptive shortcut to winning in life.

It takes maturity to admit that you were wrong, you are guilty. Some people just haven’t reached that degree of sincerity.

Excuses are the weapons of victimhood.

The problem is that there are people who fall and continue to stage this act of pretending to be a victim.

Taking responsibility for our actions, with courage and willingness, puts us in favor of life and it supports us.

Zibia Gasparetto

It’s easy to escape responsibilities. It’s hard to escape the consequences of getting rid of them.

Graciliano Ramos

Anyone who plays the victim is selfish to the point of preferring someone else to take the blame instead.

Those who play the victim don’t look for help, they look for allies.

Bert Hellinger

What is your responsibility in the disorder you complain about?

Sigmund Freud

Those who play dirty play the victim because they know they gain something from it.

There are no innocents. Just different degrees of responsibility.

Stieg Larsson

They’ll say it’s victimism, a joke I’ve been trying to laugh at for years and I don’t think it’s funny.


Trapped in your navel-world, everything around you is blind spot, pure victimism.

dead fish

Playing the victim is failing to learn lessons from life and discovering your strength to overcome yourself.

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