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30 phrases of perseverance to not give up in times of difficulty

Persistence is the path to success.

Charles Chaplin

Even discredited and ignored by everyone, I can’t give up, because for me, winning is never giving up.

Albert Einstein

Giving up just because it didn’t work out? Never! I’ll turn around.

Mayara Benatti

I make difficulty my motivation. The comeback comes in the sequel.

Charlie Brown Jr.

Persistence is the measure of how much you are able to believe in yourself.

Mayara Benatti

Perseverance is when even tired you don’t give up trying.

Mayara Benatti

In the end, everything works out and if it didn’t, it’s because it hasn’t come to an end.

Fernando Sabino

If nothing goes right today, tomorrow I wake up earlier and try again.

Fight some more, don’t give up now. Sometimes victory is close, just believe.

Mayara Benatti

Imagine a new story for your life and believe in it.

Paulo Coelho

It doesn’t matter if you’re walking slowly, what matters that you’re not standing still.

Mayara Benatti

When even the shoelace tries to knock you down, walk alone, walk barefoot, but don’t stop walking.

Be persistent. Don’t be discouraged!

Even when everything falls around me, I will keep on trying. The strength within me is greater than those who try to bring me down.

Mayara Benatti

Success lies in the ability to believe in yourself and keep trying even after the downfalls.

Mayara Benatti

A winner is a loser who had the courage to try one more time.

persist. There is no other way to make it happen.

Mayara Benatti

persist! If it were easy, everyone could do it.

What separates winners from others is persistence.

Fell out? Grasp your inner strength and rise even stronger.

Mayara Benatti

Prosperity is also having health and someone to love.

If you don’t believe, who will believe for you?

Sometimes you win, but sometimes you learn.

Don’t be discouraged, everything happens at the right time and with a good dose of persistence.

Mayara Benatti

Persistence accomplishes the impossible.

Chinese proverb

The fight doesn’t end when fatigue sets in, but when the goal is reached.

Rain or shine, do it until it happens.

I didn’t fail, I just discovered 10,000 paths that weren’t right.

Thomas Edison

Little by little, a little becomes a lot.

I will create the life I deserve to live, no matter how many fears it costs me.

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