We all have the right to hit rock bottom. Now, rising after that fall is an obligation and to do so, we must give ourselves time to reflect, manage emotions, awaken worth and adequate strengths to become a true Phoenix.
Hitting rock bottom is not the worst thing that can happen to you. If you reach the bottom it is because you can no longer fall, which opens up a double path for you. You can stay there, sunk in your own pain (that’s the worst thing that can happen to you) or you can use that bottom to gain momentum and rise again.
Now, as we well know, Finding the strength to take that impulse is not always easy.. In fact, most of the time it is complicated because the surface is small and slippery. We’ve all had that feeling. We have all, in some way, experienced those mental, emotional and physical challenges that can knock us down, make us feel desperate, dark and anguished.
At that point there is only one exit, because further down there is nothing. You have fallen and you have risen again. Like the Phoenix bird you have been reborn from your ashes. Hitting rock bottom has taught you an important life lesson. However, as a human being, you know that you can slip again.
The fear of going through a similar situation again may paralyze you and prevent you from living to the fullest, slowing down your initiatives or prompting you to lock yourself in your bubble. As Carl Rogers, a renowned figure in humanistic psychology, said, we cannot change what happens to us.. Only when we accept each fact will we gain the momentum to create change, to emerge from that depth.
“Hitting rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”
-JK Rowling-
Learn from past experiences
If you’re reading this it’s probably because you’re about to feel like you’re going to hit rock bottom, if you haven’t already. Likewise, you know that what seems like a bottomless pit with a dizzying drop actually has an end.
Do not deny what you have already experienced and do not be ashamed of all the bad things you have been through. From the memory of the suffering experienced, you will be able to better understand and apply the following suggestions. Thus, philosophers like Karl Jaspers used to say that pain often places us in a border area where we are forced to make decisions.
Studies such as the one carried out by Dr. Jan Makenson, show us, for example, that psychological suffering is experienced in the same way as physical suffering. Managing these states is key to not making this condition even more chronic.
Feel your pain without attachment, do not repress it
Let the emotions flow, give yourself the opportunity to feel that frustration, that disappointment or even that anger that invades you. Identifying what you feel is the only way to let go of that pain. If you try to distract yourself by thinking about something else like that, emotions will continue to grow, fighting to find their place in your mind.
Feel your pain without getting attached to it. Just let it flow. Don’t look for solutions, don’t look for blame, don’t think about taking action. Just feel. Contrary to what it may seem, those emotions will not devour you, but rather they will pass and leave you free.
Give yourself time to reflect
It is reflection that changes everything. You need time to give meaning to what you have experienced and to understand how it has affected you. Once you have let the emotions flow, it is time to begin to ease your mind and lighten your heart. It’s time to learn a new lesson.
Now, reflecting does not mean playing the blame game, but rather being aware of our responsibility, forgiving ourselves and making positive decisions that make us stronger. This may take more or less time. Take what you need. Only a deep reflection that results in a lesson learned is what will help you get out of the hole.Likewise, learn in that time of reflection to awaken your potential in resilience. Studies such as the one carried out at the University of Marseille by Robert Stewart, show us that Investing in this psychological dimension is gaining in well-being.
If our self-esteem has remained solid during the fall, getting up will be much easier. In this way, take advantage of your fall as an opportunity to demonstrate that love towards yourself. Treat me at least with the same affection that you give to others, the one that respects and forgives, the one that gives an opportunity, the one that does not try to impose changes contrary to who one is.
Make your mind flow
Many people who feel like they have hit rock bottom do not allow themselves to disconnect from their problems. They sit and think and ruminate about everything bad in their lives. But just because you encounter an obstacle doesn’t mean you can’t take a detour and find something even more beautiful on the new path.
To get out of the hole, instead of thinking about things, it is best to find an activity that allows our mind to flow. Creative activities, music, exercise or meditation give us the opportunity to leave the harmful and saturated space in which we find ourselves for a moment to move to a new scenario and return with renewed energy.
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