Home » Amazing World » 3 reasons why being happy about other people’s success is also good for you

3 reasons why being happy about other people’s success is also good for you

When contemplating the success of others, we can feel like failures by comparison. However, rejoicing in the victories of others can work in our favor. We show you how this relationship works.

Written and verified by the psychologist Elena Sanz.

Wish others well, their success will not limit yours“. Have you ever heard this phrase or any other similar one? How does it make you feel? From a purely logical perspective we all understand that what happens in other people’s lives does not determine what happens in ours; however, sometimes It is inevitable to compare yourself and experience a certain sense of personal failure in the face of the achievements of others.. However, we want to remind you why being happy about other people’s success is good for you.

It’s not just about being empathetic or kind. It is evident that wanting the happiness of those around us is a very laudable and morally desirable attitude. But beyond this, we ourselves can obtain benefits by changing our perspective regarding the successes of others.

Envy, the need for comparison, frustration… they are all emotions. Thus, by understanding how they affect us, we will be better able to manage them.

Why is being happy about other people’s success good for you?

More satisfying social relationships

Schadenfreude It is a German term that designates the feeling of joy or satisfaction that arises when contemplating the unhappiness of others. We have all experienced it at some point, although as a rule we keep it private.

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However, even though we do not openly declare that desire to see others fail, it can be seen reflected in interpersonal relationships.

The answers, attitudes and advice we offer usually reveal our position regarding the life of the other.; and finally, envy and lack of support can take their toll on relationships. Our family members, friends and close people may feel betrayed, manipulated and disappointed when they perceive that we are not happy with their successes.

On the contrary, If we support and encourage the progress of those around us, if we enjoy their victories, we will be strengthening the bond.. And, therefore, we will enjoy more satisfying human connections.

Personal welfare

Although it is human to feel envy, it is undoubtedly an unpleasant emotion. First of all, There is a great burden of guilt associated when we fail to rejoice in the success of those we love.. We generally perceive ourselves as bad people and feel that we are not responding fairly to our role as a friend, partner or family member.

But also, This constant comparison leads us to feel mediocre, to focus on our failures, on what we lack and what others have.. In this way, emotional discomfort only increases.

On the other hand, when we encourage, motivate and accompany, we feel satisfied with our role, with our values ​​and actions. And this internal well-being can motivate us to maintain this attitude.

Own success

Even if you don’t believe it, being happy about other people’s success brings you closer to achieving your own victories.. This association occurs due to the internal coherence that is established.

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Paradoxically, we want to achieve success while criticizing and rejecting those who have already achieved it. We despise other people’s relationships while longing to find love, we criticize prosperous people while we want to increase our income, or we judge other people’s friendships while wondering why we are so alone.

Coherence is the basis for achieving any goal. Our thoughts, feelings and actions must be aligned. Thus, if we begin to perceive with pleasure and satisfaction the achievements of others, it will be much easier for us to head towards that same place.

Rejoicing at other people’s success is a habit

The inability to rejoice in the success of others is influenced by envy. Thus, Those who feel satisfied with their own current situation find it easier to share the happiness of others. However, it is also a habit.

When we get used to reacting in a certain way, those types of attitudes, thoughts and actions are the ones that end up feeling more natural and automatic. However, it is in our power to change them.

Start by observing what you think, what you feel and what you do when someone close to you communicates an achievement. From here, establish which attitudes you would like to change and which ones you want to replace them with. Once you have identified how you would like to react, start by consciously practicing.

When you find yourself comparing yourself, feeling envy or wishing for other people’s failure, redirect yourself towards other types of more functional thoughts. The benefits you will obtain by rejoicing in the success of others will make this dynamic become a habit..

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Smith, R.H., Turner, T.J., Garonzik, R., Leach, C.W., Urch-Druskat, V., & Weston, C.M. (1996). Envy and schadenfreude. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22(2), 158-168.Chóliz, M. and Gómez, C. (2002). Social emotions II (falling in love, jealousy, envy and empathy). In F.Palmero, EG: Fernández-Abascal, F. Martínez and M. Chóliz (eds.), Psychology of Motivation and Emotion (pp. 395-418). Madrid: McGrawHill

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