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20 Epicurus phrases for those who love Greek philosophy

Pleasure is not an evil in itself; but certain pleasures bring more pain than happiness.

The great navigators owe their reputation to storms and storms.

All uncomfortable and restless desire dissolves in the love of true philosophy.

Freedom is the greatest fruit of self-sufficiency.

The pleasures of love never served us. We should consider ourselves happy if we are not bored.

He who enjoys wealth best is he who needs it least.

Spiritual serenity is the ultimate fruit of righteousness.

There is only one way to happiness. Not worrying about things that go beyond the power of our will.

The simplest foods provide the same pleasure as the most exquisite delicacies, as long as the pain caused by lack is removed.

Death is a chimera: because as long as I exist, there is no death; and when there is death, I am no more.

And whoever says that the time for philosophizing has not yet come or has passed, is similar to the one who says that the time has not yet come or has passed to be happy.

Desire is the cause of all evil.

It is foolish for a man to pray to the gods for what he has the power to obtain for himself.

The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.

The noble man is chiefly concerned with wisdom and friendship; of these, the former is a mortal good, the latter is immortal.

To eat and drink without a friend is to devour like a lion and a wolf.

The serene man seeks serenity for himself and for others.

Be moderate to savor the joys of life in abundance.

Necessity is an evil, but there is no need to live in it.

The time when you must, above all, isolate yourself is when you are forced to be in the crowd.

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