“The world is one great theater,” wrote the British poet William Shakespeare. In real life, however, this scenario sometimes becomes absurd and their actions seem to be completely devoid of common sense and logic. That’s why it’s simply impossible to explain some situations that happen to us in the most common places: hospitals, public transport, family life and even on a first date.
In honor of the World Cup, which is coming to an end, the awesome.club decided to prove with stories from users of the Russian social networks “I heard around”, “Apartment N° 6” and Pikabu, that life is capable of startling us in such a way that many times we don’t even know how to react.
There was a boy waiting in line at the supermarket. An older woman approached him, looking intently. Then the boy said, “Oh my goodness, you didn’t recognize me?” And the woman replied, “No!” And he added: “You know what? I didn’t recognize her either!” @skomat
I work in the north of the country with my husband. Yesterday some men brought a bear cub from the forest. As he was very small, he licked everyone who held him in their arms, looking for the mother bear’s milk. And he really liked my husband, he licked all over his face and neck. In the afternoon, my husband got sick. They called an ambulance and then we find out that it is allergic to bears. @Morrenalex08
A few years ago, in the fruit section of the supermarket, I saw a basket of physalis berries. I exclaimed: “But they are poisonous!” and my friends started laughing. Congratulations, grandparents who tended their gardens in the city where I grew up! passed almost 20 years sincerely believing that physalis was poisonous! And it’s delicious, dammit!
A long time ago, in 2008, I had to undergo a medical examination in the army. The doctor asked me, “Do you feel any discomfort?” And here it is worth noting that I have a problem with the way I walk: the right foot leaves a straight footprint and the left one, slightly bent, as if the toe was pulling a little to the left. Well, I mentioned this problem to the doctor and asked what his advice would be. And he looked at me seriously and said: “Don’t walk like that!” @Moka33
A few years ago I met a guy. We liked each other a lot and started dating. I quickly lost my mind. Dates under the moon, walks, cafes… Constant text message conversations in a beautiful passionate tone. We went on vacation together and traveled to a warm country. Upon returning, we went to his house, where I found a woman in his bed. In the end, I found out that she was his girlfriend, with who had been together for 4 years and that he had already proposed🇧🇷 She had simply returned from her parents’ house a few days earlier than expected. @Ejewika
Today has definitely been a strange day. First, I saw a guy on the bus who, as he got off, looked with disgust at his hand stained with something white and sticky. The second weird thing was the fact that I found my backpack open, although I always close it and check it several times to make sure. And the third strange thing was that I found the liter of crushed yogurt in my backpack, littering my wallet, another food and a tablet… And only then was the puzzle solved. @romeo969
I went to get a prescription from the mental health center. I asked who was last in line and it was a guy who looked pretty normal. I asked: “Did you also come because of a medical request?” “No,” replied the man, “I have come for an injection. I want to receive the 2018, not the 1991”🇧🇷 @alexander2453
Wonders of family life: your husband calls happily and says he has prepared a surprise. You feel exhilarated, anticipating what could be: you bought flowers, decided to take her to the movies, or maybe finally adopted a pet, something you’ve always dreamed of. But what he says annihilates all your expectations: “I bought 3 kg of strawberries, we can eat a little and make jam with the rest.”
Some time ago I worked in a Kindergarten and there was a boy who was allergic to many products. He was constantly scratching himself, covered in pimples. The mother kept asking us not to feed him this and that. This lasted for about 2 weeks. I was away for a few days and when I went back to work the child was not there. The nurse approached me and said that, in fact, he I had scabies🇧🇷 All employees and their families had to be treated!
About 5 years ago I met a beautiful girl and it was love at first sight. We had been dating for a month when I went to a store. I was walking down the hall and saw my girlfriend with an older man. I approached and, from the conversation, I understood that it was her father. So, I decided to take the opportunity to meet him, I walked over and kissed my girlfriend on the cheek. She froze in surprise, but I squeezed her father’s hand. And he said to me: “Hi, Máximo”. Me, with a confused face: “I am not the Maximum”. The man, with hesitation spoke: “Hmm, how strange, my daughter said we were going to buy food and meet your boyfriend Maximo“.@A70MKII
Today, for the whole day neither the Internet nor the TV worked at home. I called technical support and was answered by a robot that, with commands, wanted to “help me configure everything”. The brief conversation I had with him was as follows: Robot: “Restart the Wi-Fi router. If you have already reset the router, press 1”. That’s what I did, waiting for the new guidelines. Robot:” Did you see? Now everything works again!” “And hung up. @EvaRobot
My aunt and cousin turned on the television one Sunday and an American film was showing in which everyone was arguing about who had killed a certain Channing. They thought it was a crime movie and wanted to watch it until the end to see how it would end. But the movie ended unexpectedly quickly and Channing’s killer was never found. My aunt and cousin were surprised, but they thought that, perhaps, the film had 2 parts and that, soon, the second part would be shown. The movie was called: “Santa Barbara”. @Region89
I went to the local market to buy vegetables and the saleswoman said, “Did someone forget a skateboard, don’t you know who it could have been?” I told her no. We talked for a while and I promised to ask all my friends who had kids. I did that, but no one had missed one. About once a week, I talked to the saleswoman about the fact that no one was going to look for the object, which was a good one, not a second-rate one made in China. Yesterday afternoon I was getting ready to go for a walk with my son. I thought about taking his skateboard, because I haven’t done that in a while, but I couldn’t find it. I searched the house, looked in the car… I couldn’t find the skateboard anywhere. I downloaded a photo from the Internet and, red, went to the market. I showed the picture to the woman and asked, “Is this this one?” the saleswoman left and came back with my skateboard. @123q123q123
I met a girl via the Internet. She looked pretty in the picture and conversations with her were nice too, so we finally decided to meet in person. We agree on the place and time. When I arrived I decided to call her to ask where it was. She said she was walking along a fence. And, well, I said, “I don’t see you. Can you see the fat guy in the leather jacket?” After these words, the call was cut off and the man obese man turned and walked away… In the end, I understood that it was her. Later I learned that pictures of her were already 5 years old and the last ones were just her face pictures. @Sfumato
I got into a subway car and there were a lot of people, because it was morning. I walked through the middle, grabbed my phone and started connecting to Wi-Fi. Suddenly I felt that someone was tugging on my sleeve. I turned around and saw a lady with a very hostile look who said: “Young man, stay away from me”. Me: “What do you mean by that? What did I do?” The woman: “It’s stealing my Internet.” @RickyTikyTavi
I was traveling on a bus when I heard a girl talking on the phone: “I have an important day today… Luck is wished for losers, to me it is necessary to wish success”. The vehicle stopped at the stop, the girl got out and her headphones got tangled in the railing, hit her head and fell to the sidewalk. @Helen1
One day, approaching a bus stop, I saw that it was stopped and, lying on the ground, there was a guy with his head and arms under the vehicle. My first thought was: a man felt bad and fell like this. I ran to him to get him out of there so the bus wouldn’t run over him. And the guy turned around with an unflappable face and asked me what I wanted. Me: “I wanted to help, I thought you were feeling bad.” Him: “I’m the driver, I’m fixing the bus and you are dragging me on the asphalt”. Embarrassed, I took another bus. @w84mepls
When I saw her walking on the train, I thought, “God, let this monster stay away!” But she sat next to me. In the end I learned that she had thought a hippo like me wouldn’t try to get to know her. Today, we have been happily married for 20 years. The monster and the hippopotamus. @ VIPman84
I’ve been renting a house for 2 years. The owner is a normal woman. Sometimes we talk, drink tea together. Yesterday we were talking, there was a pause and then she asked me: “Listen, what is your name?” @Bason556
What strange situations have happened in your life? Tell our team!