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16 questions parents ask Google the most

Being a mother is a process of constant doubts. Questions ranging from the happiness of your children to doubts about the role of a mother appear every day. Often, without being able to clarify them, they end up consulting the oracle of doubts: Google.

The most consulted research site in the world has answers for everything, but they are not always the most adequate or correct. Each child is each child and each mother is each mother and, therefore, both the questions and the answers are individual and should not be generalized.

However, some of these questions are more common and appear more frequently as questions from parents and, therefore, with the help of experts in the areas, we have listed 16 questions and pointed out possible solutions.

1. How can I make my child happy?

All parents want their children to be happy and believe that much of this responsibility is theirs. for Dr. Lúcia Diehl da Silva, member of the Board of Professional Defense and of the Board of the EAD of the Society of Pediatrics, the only thing parents can do to make their children happy is to love them, respect them and take care of their health.

2. How can I make my child sleep through the night?

Children who sleep through the night are every parent’s paradise and it depends a lot on how they get them started in sleeping habits. The first issue is to be physically and emotionally well, as explained by the pediatrician at Hospital Albert Einstein, Dr. Roberto Bittar. “The way your child initiates sleep is one of the main reasons why he will have more or less difficulty getting back to sleep,” he says.

3. How can I make my child sleep alone?

Creating a routine and teaching him to sleep alone in the crib from the first months of life is essential for him to sleep through the night. “After the end of colic, between 2 and 3 months of age, put him to sleep still awake in the crib, so that he develops the ability to fall asleep regardless of your physical contact. In this way, when waking up in the middle of the night, he will have more resources to go back to sleep without his help”, reinforces Dr. Bittar.

It is also important that the last feeding is given while the baby is still awake. “A common mistake is to offer milk when the baby is sleepy, so he will fall asleep suckling, which can create the addiction of breastfeeding to sleep, which tends to be repeated at dawn, in addition to the risk of dental caries due to lack of hygiene of the teeth. teeth”, adds the pediatrician. for Dr. Lucia, changing rooms can help when your child sleeps alone.

4. How can I make my child eat well?

Another constant question from parents is about how to make their children eat well. for Dr. Lúcia, setting an example is vitally important, as is talking and teaching your children the importance of eating well.

For the nutritionist at Hospital Albert Einstein, Patrícia Modesto, having a varied, colorful and balanced diet, avoiding the consumption of industrialized products is vitally important for any child, regardless of age. “For the child to have a good development and growth, it is essential that they have a good diet.”

Some acquired habits can help your child eat well, according to the nutritionist: sitting at the table with him, creating a family habit and an important moment for the family; always respect mealtimes, feeding the child six times a day, thus creating a food routine; lead by example by eating healthy foods; Pay attention to the proportions of the dish, not exaggerating the quantities.

Another point highlighted by the nutritionist is the way the child faces the time to eat. “Don’t juggle: the child needs to learn that eating is important, and delicious! She needs to try and feel the flavors of food. Let it taste with your hand, feel the food”, she teaches. It is also important that the child knows the taste of each food and, therefore, avoiding mixing foods can be a good tip.

Liquids should be taken before or after food and never during. Distractions should also be avoided. “Little planes, toys and television end up really distracting the child from what he should do. According to research, this may be a step towards obesity”, explains the nutritionist.

To make the habit even more interesting for children, take them to the market and include them in food preparation. “After going shopping, combine the ingredients for dinner, from salad to dessert; ask your child to help prepare food and include him in tasks such as setting the table, for example”, guides Patrícia.

5. How do I get my child to pick up the pacifier or bottle?

The use of the pacifier must be very judicious, according to Dr. Roberto Bittar, and can be recommended in some situations. According to the doctor, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be put to sleep with a pacifier from the first month of life, as this reduces the risk of sudden death in babies.

Babies who cry a lot from colic may also need to use a pacifier. However, use in either case must be controlled. “The problem appears when there is excessive and prolonged use, leading to changes in the dental arch. The frequent use of the pacifier also increases the contamination of the mouth with a greater risk of middle ear infection (otitis)”, advises the pediatrician. Now for Dr. Lucia, the pacifier must not be used.

As for the bottle, for Dr. Lucia it should be used from the sixth month. However, Dr. Roberto Bittar explains that when breastfeeding does not happen, bottle feeding may be necessary.

6. How can I get my child to let go of the breast?

Dr. Roberto Bittar explains that weaning should begin when food other than breast milk is introduced. For this to happen, you must have time and calm. “Many babies take weeks to adapt to new foods, and the faster we are in a hurry, the worse the outcome,” he points out.

According to Dr. Lúcia Silva, there are two ways to eliminate feedings: either abruptly, which can be quite traumatic, or removing one feeding at a time until all are eliminated, which makes the process a little longer, but less traumatic.

7. How can I make my child eat vegetables?

Eating well involves a balanced menu, as the nutritionist previously explained and, of course, this menu includes vegetables, the biggest nightmares of any child and, consequently, of any parent.

Setting an example remains one of the top tips for children to eat healthy foods, according to Dr. Lucia Silva. As for the nutritionist, vegetables become part of the children’s menu as soon as salty foods are included in their diet, according to the pediatrician’s guidance. “And at this stage it is important that the offer is as varied as possible, starting with the presentation of vegetables”, guides Patrícia.

An interesting tip that the nutritionist gives is to offer the food to the child and, when refused, present it again after a few days in another way. “When we acquire the wrong eating habit, it will directly reflect on proper growth and development”, informs the nutritionist and, therefore, it is so important that children create the habit of eating healthy foods, such as vegetables and vegetables.

8. How can I stop my child from biting nails?

Nail biting is one of the worst habits acquired by children and, according to Dr. Roberto Bittar, is a habit, like sucking your thumb, of self-stimulation. “The main treatment is positive reinforcement, that is, praising or giving gifts to your son/daughter when you are not doing so. The use of colored nail stickers or nail polish with a bitter taste can help”, advises the pediatrician.

9. Why does my baby cry so much?

Some babies cry excessively and this causes some concern for parents. for Dr. Lúcia Silva, crying can be caused by a tantrum, illness or fever. Dr. Roberto Bittar says that persistent crying should always deserve the parents’ attention.

“Babies up to three months old can cry from colic, with a peak around six weeks of life, but it certainly varies a lot from baby to baby”, details the pediatrician. Babies who continue to cry excessively after three months should be evaluated by a pediatrician. “To rule out other causes of excessive crying, such as a food protein allergy”, guides the doctor.

10. Why does my baby hiccup so much?

For Dr. Lúcia Silva hiccups are caused by incoordination of the diaphragm muscle and are common in babies, especially after breastfeeding. “They worry the parents more than they bother the baby. They pass alone, requiring no intervention”, explains Dr. Roberto Bittar.

11. Why does my baby cry in his sleep?

Babies dream and have nightmares and this can be one of the reasons they wake up crying. “Crying can also be related to what we call partial awakening, known as night terrors. In this case, the baby quickly goes from a deep to a superficial phase of sleep, and while still sleeping, cries intensely, worrying the parents”, comments Dr. Roberto Bittar.

This second case is more common from the second year of life and parents should not try to wake up or calm their children at this time, “just watch them so they don’t get hurt. It can happen more often after very busy days or if your child has changed their sleep routine.

12. Why does my baby move so much?

It is important for parents to understand the uniqueness of each baby and some children are more fussy than others. “Each baby is unique and shows different behavioral characteristics from uterine life. The environment can also exert its influence, shaping your child’s temperament,” explains Dr. Roberto Bittar.

13. Why does my baby wake up crying?

Waking up crying can be as much related to a nightmare as to some unique characteristic of your child. “It may just be a characteristic of your baby, or he is going through a period of greater insecurity, which usually happens in periods of acquisition of new skills in his development, whether motor or cognitive”, adds pediatrician Bittar.

14. Why doesn’t my baby gain weight?

Going through times of weight maintenance are more than normal. According to Dr. Roberto Bittar this can be caused by possible acute diseases, periods of change in the food routine and stages of its development. “If your baby shows a lack of weight gain for no apparent reason, your pediatrician should evaluate him and eventually request laboratory tests to elucidate whether or not there is any clinical cause for it”, evaluates the doctor.

15. Why doesn’t my baby burp?

Don’t worry, if your baby doesn’t burp after a feed, that’s not a problem. “In general, babies who breastfeed quietly, without swallowing air and don’t cry a lot, burp very little,” says Dr. Roberto Bittar. To help your baby burp, the pediatrician explains a method. “Leaving the baby on its feet, and helping with light pats on the back. Alternative positions with baby…

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