Home » Guidance » 16 Children of famous Brazilians who didn’t want to follow the same profession as their parents

16 Children of famous Brazilians who didn’t want to follow the same profession as their parents

Who has never heard that saying “a son of a fish, a little fish is”? With the children of celebrities it could not be different, after all, many grow up under the spotlight and, with that, end up having the possibility of feeling greater pressure to follow the same career as their parents. However, things are not always like that.

O incredible.club selected some children of artists who proved that it is possible to succeed in a professional career even if they opt for professions other than that of their parents. Come check!

1. Enzo Celulari

The firstborn of actors Edson Celulari and Claudia Raia takes a different path from his parents. Enzo Celulari manages his mother’s entire e-commerce company, while he is still studying Business Administration at Faap. Empowered to do business, the young man joined the list of the brightest Brazilians under 30, according to Forbes magazine.

2. Valentina Cohen

Graduated in Analytical Economics and Advanced Mathematics, Valentina Cohen attended high school in Europe and higher education in the United States. Upon returning to Brazil, the eldest daughter of actress Carolina Ferraz, became CEO, content director, partner and partner of her mother.

3. Ronald

Starting his career as a DJ and party producer, Ronald is the son of former soccer players Ronaldo Fenômeno and Milene Domingues. To show his independence and not be compared to his father, the boy chose to withdraw his last name, Nazário. This change is only in the artistic field, after all Ronald guarantees that his parents inspire him.

4. Vinicius Bonemer

Vinícius is one of the triplets of William Bonner and Fátima Bernardes, as well as his sisters, he also chose not to follow the same career as his parents. The young man fulfilled his dream of studying in France, where he is studying Computer Engineering.

5. Felipe Ricca

Despite also following the artistic side coming from his parents, Adriana Esteves and Marco Ricca, the firstborn of the actress, Felipe Ricca, opted for music. Alongside Rodrigo Silvestrini, both perform with the band Cai Sahra, since the end of 2016, mixing surf music with pop.

6. Lucas Jagger

Son of presenter Luciana Gimenez and rocker Mick Jagger, Lucas Jagger is an arts student, in addition, he emerged as an international model in 2020. At the age of 22, he also has a YouTube channel, with more than 180 thousand subscribers.

7. Sasha Meneghel

Famous before she was even born, Sasha Meneghel was a volleyball player between 2008 and 2015. In 2016, she joined Parsons The New School of Fashion, in New York. Daughter of presenter Xuxa Meneguel and actor Luciano Szafir, Sasha is a trained stylist, in addition to also working as a model, marking her debut in 2016, when she walked in the São Paulo Fashion Week.

8. Suzanna Freitas

The eldest daughter of singer Kelly Key with Latino, Suzanna Freitas is an influencer and YouTuber, and her channel addresses topics such as fashion, beauty, in addition to showing a little of her daily life. Producing digital content since the age of 15, the young woman guarantees that thanks to her work, she is financially independent.

9. Rúbia Baricelli

Better known as Ru Baricelli, the eldest daughter of actor Luigi Baricelli graduated in , opting to be a content producer. Since 2013, Rúbia has featured tips on beauty, fashion, behavior, travel, home care, among others, on her YouTube channel.

10. Felipe Poeta

Investing in his musical career, Felipe Poeta has his own label, where in addition to recording his own EP, he also thinks about producing other artists. At age 18, the son of presenter Patrícia Poeta, was accepted to study composition and production at the Los Angeles College of Music.

11. Mariana Maffei

Leading a simple life and connected to nature, the firstborn of presenter Ana Maria Braga, Mariana Maffei, is a yoga teacher. Adept at veganism, she also thinks about helping with the coffee plantation that her mother wants to do.

12. Kika Galvao

Unlike the brothers who pursued an artistic career, Krízia Galvão, better known as Kika, chose a very different path. The daughter of singer Fábio Júnior, is a veterinarian, leading a life away from the spotlight.

13. Beatriz Bonemer

Studying design at college, Beatriz Bonemer reveals that both she and the brothers Vinícius and Laura, triplets of the presenters Fátima Bernardes and William Bonner, do not want to follow the path of Journalism. By closely following their parents’ careers, the children realized that it’s not what they dream of, so each one chose a different area.

14. Lyandra Mota Costa

Graduated in medicine since 2018 and specializing in dermatology, Lyandra is the daughter of country singer Leandro, who was a partner with her brother, Leonardo. Unlike her cousins, who pursued a musical career, the doctor, who has worked as a model, found her vocation in medicine.

15. Laura Bonemer

Like the brothers who chose professions very different from their parents, William Bonner and Fátima Bernardes, Laura Bonemer is currently studying psychology at college. In addition, she is also a volunteer at the NGO Indefesos, which takes care of abandoned animals.

16. Mafe Nobrega

“The same square, the same bench, the same flowers, the same garden”? Not for Mafe Nobrega! Daughter of Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega and Andréa de Nóbrega, she is the only heiress of the comedian who does not intend to pursue a career on TV. With more than 800,000 followers on her Instagram, the young influencer also has her own clothing brand, Amo Emme, in partnership with Malu Borges, also an influencer.

Now that you’ve met some children of artists with professions different from their parents, how about seeing the brothers of famous Brazilians that you might not know?

To put some of your doubts to rest, we at incredible.club, we selected some celebrities and their siblings that you may not even know. Click here to check it out!

And you, did you also follow or intend to follow a different career from your parents? Let us know and don’t forget to share this article with your friends!

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