You must have heard around that green fruits and vegetables are good options to include in the diet, right? In fact, according to the SPDM (Paulista Association for the Development of Medicine), green foods are rich in chlorophyll – an element that can act as a potentiator of vitamin C.
1. Kiwi
Delicious actinidia, or kiwi, is an extremely tasty fruit – as its scientific name says. According to Keith Singletary, PhD and Professor of Nutrition, this food is rich in antioxidants, can lower blood lipid levels and alleviate skin conditions. In addition, it is a good source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber. With all these nutrients, this unripe fruit helps prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer.
2. Green grape
The green grape is one of the easiest to find throughout the year, as its fruits can be harvested in various seasons. It is also a source of antioxidants such as vitamin C, as well as being rich in minerals and low in sugar.
3. lemon
In addition to being one of the most used green fruits in drinks and seasonings, it is a great ally of our health. According to ASBRAN (Brazilian Nutrition Association), it improves the body’s defense system, helps to prevent various diseases and keep the functioning of the organs and cholesterol under control. It is very rich in vitamin C and contains vitamin B1, B2, B3 and pro-vitamin A.
4. Pear
With vitamins C, A, B1, B2, fiber and various mineral salts, the pear works to strengthen immunity, helps to treat constipation and control diabetes and high blood pressure. It is a fruit that contains few calories, so you can include it in your diet without fear!
5. Green apple
In addition to being tasty, the green apple is a fruit rich in nutrients such as calcium, iron, pectin, potassium and amino acids. Therefore, it manages to have anti-inflammatory properties and can even serve as a milder laxative.
6. Earl fruit
The custard apple or custard apple is a green food most easily found in the regions of Pará, Piauí, Ceará, Goiás and Maranhão. The fruit has antioxidant properties and helps in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. It has B vitamins, vitamin C, fiber, calcium and phosphorus. You can consume it in juices or even bake it.
7. Avocado
Of course, the fruit is rich in vitamin C and helps to control cholesterol and the circulatory system. According to research by ASBRAN, despite the benefits, avocado is very caloric and should be consumed in moderation. Its nutritional components also include potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium and iron.
8. Green coconut
If you are one of those who love to drink coconut water, be sure that this habit contributes (and a lot!) to your health. Green coconut is a powerful antioxidant and can help activate the immune system, increasing the body’s ability to fight disease.
9. jackfruit
Despite being an exotic fruit, jackfruit can be used up to the core. According to nutritionist Natália Rossi, it is rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Therefore, it can restore essential nutrients for the body, favor good digestion and stimulate immunity.
10. Cantaloupe melon
Cantaloupe melon is a kind of fruit with a greenish rind and orange flesh, and it has numerous health benefits. According to research, the fruit is rich in vitamin A and C, helps fight free radicals and strengthens the immune system.
11. Graviola
With a bittersweet flavor and citrus touch, soursop is a fruit rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium, in addition to containing vitamins C and B complex. According to nutritionist Bruna Lyrio, it is recommended for people with high blood pressure and for those who suffer of constipation.
12. Chirimoia
Do you like sweet and exotic fruits? So, you’ve found your option! Rich in vitamins C and A, chirimoia has fibers that help in the functioning of the intestine and promote satiety. It is also known as ice cream fruit and has a soft texture. Its production is concentrated in the state of São Paulo, so if you are nearby, it is worth trying the food.
13. Green banana
Have you ever eaten green bananas? If not yet, try it out! In addition to being economical, the fruit helps in the functioning of the intestine and relieves constipation. It also acts in the control of diabetes, as it has fibers and starch that prevent the elevation of blood sugar after eating.
14. Embu
Do you know the embu or umbu? This fruit comes from the umbuzeiro and has nutrients such as vitamins C, A and B1, as well as calcium, phosphorus and iron. By having antioxidant properties, this food helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
15. Inga
Have you ever heard of the fruit of the ingazeira, the ingá? Despite being one of the little-known green fruits, it is extremely nutritious and rich in vitamin A, which helps prevent headaches and strengthens the eyes. It also has antioxidants, and its nutrients contribute to boosting the strength of the immune system.
So, which of these green fruits have you tried or incorporated into your daily diet? All of them are tasty and have great nutritional power. If you want to increase your protection against diseases, understand more about vitamin C, this great ally of our beauty and health.
The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.