The blackberry is a fruit with a strong flavor that has variations and is a wonderful option to be consumed both pure and incorporated in several recipes. To know all its particularities, main benefits and ways to consume, read the article in full!
types of blackberry
We interviewed nutritionist Evelyn Reis (CRN-2 10060P), who listed the existing blackberry species. Check it out below:
- Blackberry: It is the fruit of the Morus nigra plant, which has a sweet taste and its leaves are widely used in teas.
- Redberry: It is similar to raspberry and has the name of Rubus rosifolius.
- Whiteberry: with the scientific name of Morus alba, it has a bittersweet and refreshing taste.
After knowing the types of blackberry, see below the main benefits!
12 benefits of blackberry
How about knowing the benefits involved in consuming this fruit? Follow now the list that the nutritionist separated:
- It has antioxidant action: due to phenolic compounds, which develop antioxidant action, preventing the aging of cells.
- Decreases blood glucose: also by phenolic compounds and flavonoids.
- It helps to reduce the symptoms of menopause: according to the nutritionist, this is because the blackberry has isoflavones. This property is similar to the hormones produced by the ovaries and helps to reduce hot flashes.
- It collaborates in the prevention of carcinogenic activities: due to the high content of flavonoids. In addition to the presence of ellagic acid, a phenolic constituent of the fruit.
- It helps to reduce coronary diseases: according to Evelyn, this is due to the anthocyanins present in blackberries. A natural pigment that increases the concentration of good cholesterol and removes free radicals.
- Improves intestinal transit: because it contains fiber.
- It has anti-inflammatory action: due to its concentration of phytochemicals.
- Improves the immune system: due to the presence of Vitamin A.
- Helps in liver protection: due to the presence of flavonoids, which have hepatoprotective action.
- Improves the health of the skin, hair and nails: this is because the fruit has Vitamins A, E and C.
- Helps in blood pressure control: benefit originated by resveratrol, which acts in vasoconstriction.
- It helps the absorption of iron from meals: due to the presence of Vitamin C.
According to the nutritionist, both the fruit and tea, especially the blackberry, have a large amount of phytochemicals, phenolic compounds and antioxidants. These properties act in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
However, Evelyn points out that in order to take full advantage of the benefits of blackberry, we must follow a balanced diet.
Is love bad?
For the nutritionist, there is no harm in the literature. However, blackberry should not be consumed in excess, as this can cause diarrhea, due to increased intestinal motility.
In addition, before ingesting blackberry tea, we must keep an eye on these restrictions: “Only the tea made from the leaves of Morus Nigra should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers or children and the elderly without medical supervision”, points out Evelyn.
We also emphasize that any variation perceived when consuming a certain food must be evaluated by a qualified professional.
how to consume blackberry
According to the nutritionist, the best way to consume the fruit is in natura, as it is the way that most preserves the nutrients of the food. Even so, tea is highly recommended because it brings beneficial effects: “Blackberry leaf tea acts as a reliever of climacteric and menopause symptoms, in addition to bringing all the other benefits mentioned above”, says Evelyn.
How to make blackberry tea
According to Evelyn, blackberry tea can be kept in the fridge for up to 24 hours, and is very easy to prepare. Check out!
Step by step:
- In a pan, boil 1 liter of water;
- Add 1 tablespoon of dried blackberry leaves;
- Allow to cool and drink without adding sugar or honey.
As for daily consumption, the nutritionist clarified that this fruit can be consumed every day, respecting the limit of up to one cup. Now, to incorporate the blackberry into a delicious preparation, check out this article about homemade jam.
The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.