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11 Signs You Care More About Your Relationship Than Your Partner

No relationship is perfect all the time and it’s normal for the couple to need to make some adjustments to make both of them feel valued. This, however, will only work if both are equally involved.

When your partner isn’t as interested as you are, nothing you can do to improve the relationship will work – after all, he or she just isn’t in the mood to make an effort or change some behavior.

Check out these signs that can help you confirm or rule out this possibility:

1. It’s always you who apologizes and tries to fix things

Couples argue and that’s normal. The problem is when you just need to take the initiative to call your partner to talk, get things right and apologize. When he or she doesn’t care about it, it’s a sign that the importance attached to the relationship is less.

2. You adapt to the other person’s plans, never the other way around

If only you are willing to go a little out of your way, rearrange your schedule, or even stop doing something you wanted to do in order to accommodate your partner’s wishes, we have a problem. In a relationship, both of you need to give in at the same rate.

3. You are the only person making plans, by the way

You may be more organized and more practiced at making reservations and scheduling appointments, but your partner should at least be willing to do something with you. When you are solely responsible for the couple’s activities, it shows that you are more dedicated to this relationship.

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4. It’s always you who calls or texts

It may be that your partner is not very fond of WhatsApp, but if he doesn’t even bother to answer your messages or leaves you in a vacuum for hours or days, this is a very obvious sign of disinterest. When we really like someone, we want to be in touch with that person.

5. Only you show interest in sexual relations

When only you seem to want to have sex or any kind of physical contact, it could be a sign that you are more invested in this relationship than your partner. No one needs to be in the mood for sex all the time, but when the other person doesn’t seem to remember it, you need to be alert.

6. You tolerate his quirks, but the opposite is not true

We all have habits that can be irritating to the other person, but there is usually a mutual effort to tolerate these habits. The problem is when you just pretend you didn’t see the toilet lid up or the remote control out of place, while he gets into trouble for absolutely anything you do differently from him.

7. You don’t know his or her family or friends

If you’ve been in a relationship for some time and he or she has never wanted to introduce you to family or friends, this could be a warning that for some reason your partner wants to keep you hidden. It’s worth being direct, asking to meet these people, and watching their reaction.

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8. Your relationship does not exist on your partner’s social media

Even if your partner isn’t a big fan of social media, the fact that he or she doesn’t make any reference to you is also a sign that he might be trying to hide his existence or pretending he’s not in a relationship.

9. You want to share the big news, but he doesn’t

It doesn’t matter if you’ve gotten a promotion, won a trip in a sweepstakes, or been fired: your partner is always the first person you want to break the news to, whether it’s good or bad. But if the converse is not true, you may not have that same degree of importance in his or her life.

10. You would never get involved with someone else, but your partner would

Maybe your partner isn’t (yet) having sex with someone else, but the fact that he’s flirting or creating an emotional connection with someone else is already a sign that he’s not as involved as you are – especially if you don’t see each other. having that same attitude.

11. He or she doesn’t seem to know you at all

People who are really interested in their partners are curious about the other’s life and tend to remember important facts, such as their birthday, their favorite food, or even a phobia. So when you know everything about your partner and the converse is not true, it can signal that they are not as involved in the relationship as you are.

Each person has their own way of expressing their feelings, and you may actually be more explicit than your partner. However, if you are not getting the attention and affection that you expect and deserve, now is the time to have a good conversation with the other person and, if so, to assess whether it is worth continuing in this relationship.

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