Frequent use of headphones increases bacterial growth in the ear, according to a study. Not to mention that changing these accessories increases the risk of contracting βbadβ bacteria and can cause different ear infections. To protect your health, it’s best to keep certain items exclusively for individual use.
O prepared a list of 11 items that you should never share with anyone.
1. Nail clipper
We cannot see it, but there are a lot of bacteria, viruses and fungal microorganisms in the nails. Therefore, ordinary clippers can become a vector of infections. Lending them to someone else increases the risk of suffering from fungal diseases and HPV (human papillomavirus).
2. Earrings
There are many blood vessels in the ears. That’s why it is very easy to get infected with blood diseases simply by wearing someone else’s earringsπ§π· Next time you want to borrow earrings, clean them with rubbing alcohol.
3. Lipstick
Beneath the surface of the lips are also blood vessels. They are ready to carry whatever you put on that part of your face for blood. The herpes virus can be transmitted from one person to another when sharing a lipstick, even if the bearer has no visible symptoms of the disease.
4. Eyebrow Tweezers
If you use someone else’s tweezers to pluck the extra hairs from your eyebrows, there’s no need to be afraid. But if you use it to get rid of ingrown hairs and blood appears, then this tool can cause serious illnesses in the future. In this case, the tweezers can carry Hepatitis C and HIVπ§π· If you have no option but to share them, clean them with rubbing alcohol.
5. Deodorant
Roll-on deodorants can be carriers of serious infections and bacteria can get into small wounds caused by shaving underarms. Products that have fragrance only mask the smell and do not prevent the multiplication of microbes. Therefore, always choose deodorants with antibacterial ingredients and do not share them, even with your family.
6. Soap
Microorganisms coat the soap after each use, and we don’t just mean harmless microbes, but dangerous viruses as well. Worst of all is when he’s in a wet soap dish.π§π· Moisture creates an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses. To reduce the risk of infection, use liquid soap from a dispenser.
7. Hairbrush
Never give your toothbrush to anyone and don’t use someone else’s, as this increases the risk of contracting parasites such as head lice, scabies and even staph infectionsπ§π· If you share a hairbrush, clean it immediately with a disinfectant. The best way to protect yourself is not to share your toothbrush at all.
8. Towels
The towel is a breeding ground for germs, especially when hung in a damp bathroom. If yours smells musty, it means fungus and bacteria are developing. This towel can cause infections, which can lead to rashes, acne and conjunctivitis. To eliminate this danger, wash the towel after 4 or 5 uses and always let it dry completely before using it again.
9. Sponges and sponges
A sponge doesn’t have time to dry completely between uses. Therefore, it is an excellent germ factory, as are towelsπ§π· Dry the sponge thoroughly after using it, do not share it with anyone, and ventilate the bathroom every day.
10. Makeup broaches and brushes
Avoid sharing makeup products that come into contact with body fluids, such as tears, nasal mucosa, saliva, blood, or pusπ§π· This means that it’s best not to borrow someone else’s pencil and eye shadow, mascara, concealer, foundation, lipstick and blush. Also, don’t lend your makeup brushes and broaches to anyone, and never use the samples in cosmetic stores.
11. Headphones
Headphones can cause bacteria to grow in your earsπ§π· The risk increases if you use them during a workout: additional heat and humidity contribute to their development. Also, if you share your hearing aids with someone else, be prepared for bacteria such as Streptococcus and Staphylococcus to enter your ear and cause infections, boils and pustules. If you still want to share this accessory with someone or borrow it, clean it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol before using them.
After reading this post, will you continue to share your brushes and headphones with friends or family? Tell us in the comments below!