We may even think we’ve mastered basic cleaning activities like washing dishes, sweeping, taking out the trash, and cleaning furniture. But dirt can accumulate in the strangest places and objects, even those we use every day and think don’t get dirty that easily. Did you know that headphones need to be sanitized daily?
O awesome.club took a peek at items we rarely pay attention to, but if we dared to do so, we’d likely find dust, dirt, and even some bacteria.
1. Kitchen sponge
One might think that since the sponge is used to wash dishes with soap, it is always clean. But the reality is different. According to germ expert Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona, the kitchen sponge is the dirtiest item in the house, because its porous surface accumulates food particles, and with humidity, they create the perfect environment for the proliferation of bacteria. . And how many will they be?
In a study published by Scientific Reports, the German Research Center for Environmental Health extracted species from a sample of sponges and found 362 different types of bacteria!
How to clean: there is no method that completely removes bacteria from the sponge. Cleaning this object is quite difficult due to its structure, however, one option to eliminate the three main strains of bacteria that this object may contain is using bleach. To do this, mix ¾ cups of bleach in four liters of water and then dip the sponge in the solution, letting it rest for five minutes.
2. Wooden cutting board
If a cutting board is not properly cleaned or designated for each type of food (for example: one for raw products such as meats and fish, and another for breads, cheeses, fruits and vegetables), cross-contamination can occur. This phenomenon occurs when two or more foods come into contact and one of them is full of bacteria, such as salmonella.
These boards are made of different materials and one of the most common is wood. A study published in the Journal of Food Protection stated that this type of product, because it is porous, is more likely to accumulate bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended to only use it for cutting fruits, vegetables, cheese or bread.
How to clean: make a paste by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda, one tablespoon of salt, and one tablespoon of water. Cover the board with this mixture and wipe off the dirt. Another option for cleaning this utensil, if you used it to cut meat or seafood, is to mix a teaspoon of bleach with two liters of water. Cover the cutting board with the solution and let it sit for a few minutes. Then rinse well with hot water.
3. Can opener
In its study of household germs, the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) found that can openers can harbor traces of salmonella, E. coli, yeast and mold.
How to clean: After each use, wash the opener in hot, soapy water. Pay special attention to each part of the blade. Rinse well and then allow to dry freely.
4. Coffee Maker
A 2015 CBS News survey tested the coffee makers of 10 households and found that both the water reservoir, the dispenser and where the coffee is placed harbored bacteria. Among the strains discovered were staphylococci, streptococci, and E. coli. These germs can cause gastrointestinal problems and upset stomach.
How to clean: add up to four cups of undiluted vinegar to the reservoir. Let it rest for 30 minutes and then pass it through the coffee machine. Then let the appliance run with water for two or three cycles until the smell of vinegar disappears. For best results, follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions.
5. Your pet’s water container
A study from the University of Hartpury, UK, identified that dog drinkers or water bowls are a haven for bacteria, so they pose a risk of disease for both human and pet health. It also revealed that bacteria are more likely to grow in plastic and ceramic containers than in stainless steel containers.
How to clean: pet containers should be washed daily with soap and water. To disinfect them, add ½ cup of bleach to a gallon of water. Let it rest in the bowl for 10 minutes. Remove and clean with plenty of water to avoid poisoning your dog. Let it dry freely.
6. Brush holder
The third most germy object in the house is the toothbrush holder, according to an NSF study. There can be mold and yeast, as well as E. coli and staphylococci.
How to clean: If your toothbrush holder is dishwasher safe, place it on the top rack once or twice a week. Otherwise, hand wash in hot, soapy water, rinse, then wipe with disinfectant wipes once or twice a week.
7. Headphones
Did you know that headphones multiply up to 11 times the amount of bacteria in the ears? Each person has a specific bacterial flora in the ears, which means that the bacteria are normal and do not cause infections in the body. But when the amount reaches very high levels or external bacteria enter the ear, diseases arise. Poor headphone hygiene increases the risk of fungus, pimples or boils appearing in the ears, among other things.
Experts recommend cleaning the headphones regularly, taking into account their characteristics so as not to damage them. Also, advise that they are only used by you. If you need to share them, sanitize them before and after use.
How to clean: if they have silicone tips, remove them and clean them with a microfiber cloth slightly dampened with hot soapy water. You can use a cotton swab to remove any residue. Let it dry and store it in a case.
If the covers are made of foam, remove them and wash them with hot water and ordinary soap. Also let them dry and put them in a clean place.
For speaker meshes, remove dirt with a dry toothbrush. Then soak a cotton swab in a little alcohol and disinfect. Let it dry before using. Don’t forget to clean the other parts of the headphones: cable, headband and microphone.
8. Toilet brush
This piece is used to clean the bathroom, so it must be disinfected and renewed frequently to prevent mold, bacteria or germs from growing and accumulating there. The brush can be washed once a week or even several times, depending on how it is used.
How to clean: place the utensil between the toilet bowl and the seat and spray disinfectant, bleach or any other specific product at will on the brush bristles. Let rest for 10 minutes. Then rinse with hot water and wait for it to dry.
Spray disinfectant into the toothbrush holder and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with hot water and allow to dry completely. Do not put the two wet pieces together, otherwise it will encourage the proliferation of germs.
9. Non-spill cup filter
Proper cleaning of these children’s objects involves more than rinsing. If you are not careful, mold can form on the cap and valve. This can cause health problems if inhaled or touched: it causes allergic reactions or asthma attacks in sensitive people. It can also cause ringworm infections. In addition, mold exposure can irritate the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs.
How to clean: unscrew the cap and remove the valve. Separate the white seal from the transparent silicone, wash all parts with plenty of warm water and soap. Rinse and sterilize the valve (you can boil for 5 minutes). Allow to dry before reassembling if you are going to store the mug for a while.
10. Reusable metal straws
In order to keep them free of mold and food particles, straws should be cleaned after each use. For example: if you’ve had a smoothie or fruit juice, it’s ideal to clean the straw after use to remove fruit residues and other ingredients, before they harden and stick. If you just drank water, you can clean it at the end of each day.
How to clean: Soak the straw in hot soapy water for a few minutes to loosen anything stuck inside. Then use a special brush to clean inside and out. Once you’re sure the product is clean, rinse it and let it dry in an upright position.
What other object do we not pay enough attention to, but should, as it can hide dust, stains, and even grease?