Responsible for about 31,000 new cases per year in Brazil, lung cancer causes more than 26,000 deaths annually, according to the National Cancer Institute – INCA. Its lethality is high and this type of tumor can be avoided, in most cases, with smoking prevention.
Therefore, the decided to tell you a little more about the disease. Check it out!
1. Cigarettes and tobacco derivatives are undoubtedly the main factors in lung cancer
Cigarettes, as you may already know, are very toxic and harmful to health. It is composed of about 4,720 substances, of which nicotine and carbon monoxide are the best known. Furthermore, the smoke contains radioactive additives — such as polonium 210.
2. Compared to non-smokers, smokers have about 20 to 30 times more risk of developing the disease
Passive smoking is yet another obstacle to good health because it is considered as the third leading cause of preventable death in the world. Inhaling smoke, especially indoors, is called Environmental Tobacco Pollution (ETP).
3. The trachea filters, moistens and heats the air to take it to the lungs
Its inner lining is made up of mucus-producing cells. When dust is inhaled, bacteria and particles adhere to the mucus and are drawn into the throat by the beating of the cilia (in sweeping form) and coughed out.
Tumors in the trachea can be classified as: benign or malignant, primary or secondary. The most common types of primary are mucoepidermoid and squamous cell carcinoma. Secondary tumors are metastases or direct invasion of tumors close to the trachea, such as in the lung and esophagus. But calm down, hardly an individual develops tumors in the trachea.
4. Avoid exposure to air pollution
There are many natural sources of air pollution (volcanoes, forest fires, windblown dust), but it is anthropogenic sources (those produced by individuals) that emit pollutants in high concentrations and that raise concerns about their potential health impacts.
5. Some chemical agents should also be avoided
Numerous dangerous chemical agents are used in our daily lives, of which paints, varnishes, thinners, disinfectants and cleaning agents are just a few examples. There are 3 routes of penetration of the agents in the organism:
It happens when you breathe contaminated air. It enters the nose taking along the chemicals present in the environment. Cutaneous
It occurs when a foreign body penetrates the skin. Usually through the pores. digestive
It occurs with the ingestion of contaminated food or even because of dirty or contaminated hands. Therefore, it is always recommended never to feed in environments where chemicals are handled or present.
6. Repeated pulmonary infections favor the development of cancer
Other factors may be linked to lung cancer, such as:
Vitamin A deficiency or excess; Genetic factors; Exposure time (how many years of smoking); Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (pulmonary emphysema and chronic bronchitis); Food rich in fats and low in fruits and vegetables.
7. Genetic factors and family history
Cancer is caused by a genetic mutation, but that does not necessarily mean that it is a hereditary disease. It means that this mutation provoked a succession of episodes in the cells of an organ and, therefore, a malignant tumor appeared.
Only between 5% and 10% of cancer cases are the result of hereditary genetic alterations, that is, transmissible from parents to children. However, it is important to know that not every individual who inherits a genetic predisposition will develop cancer.
8. What are the symptoms?
The initial symptoms of lung cancer are easily confused with common illnesses, the most frequent being:
Cough; Shortness of breathe; wheezing in the lung; Presence of blood in the sputum; Chest pain; Weight loss.
Some patients may not feel anything at all in the early stages, which is a greater danger because it leads to diagnosis in the later stages of the disease.
9. How can the treatment be done?
Although surgery is considered the treatment with the greatest chance of control and cure, there are few candidates for a complete resection — only about 10% to 20% of cases. The other options are radiotherapies, which may or may not be associated with chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapy.
10. What are the complications of these types of cancers?
Complications depend on the size and location of the lesion and whether substances produced by the tumor are released into the bloodstream. Tumor growth can invade or obstruct respiratory, vascular, or nerve structures, in addition to the potential for hemorrhage.
Warning: never self-medicate, your doctor should always be consulted.
It is better to be safe than sorry. Opt for healthy food and exercise. Health always comes first, right?
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