Home » Yoruba Religion » ▷ Inle《What is it, Tools, Necklaces, Adimu and More》✔️

▷ Inle《What is it, Tools, Necklaces, Adimu and More》✔️

Every country has some deity to worshipeither because of its history, legend or because of the miracles it has performed and benefited other people.

In a small town in Nigeria, there is a warrior named Inle which is known because a great fight carried out in the Erinle river. Are you curious to know more about Inle and his story? If the answer is yes, you should continue reading this article.

Who is the Inle?

Inle or Erinlé, is a deity of the Yoruba religion who is recognized as a great fisherman, hunter and one of the first to possess knowledge about the healing properties of plants to be able to alleviate human pain through herbs.

He is a Major Orisha, represents health and protects doctors as second vocations after those mentioned above. It has traits both feminine as masculine.

There is a pataki that tells that his great love Yemayá cut his tongue, since, by taking him to see the sea due to his love, he knew the great secrets and so that they were not revealed, decided to cut out his tongue.

What are your tools?

In each religion, there are a series of procedures that must be followed when carrying out some ceremony with any deity. In the case of these tools are the following:

One ota Among the attributes are a net, hooksa piece of thread known as pita and hoops. A tureen-shaped container It has a plate-shaped lid. Inside, an instrument must be placed, which is essential, in this case it would be a T-shaped pedestal that is made of lead and in the center it must have Majás threaded. An arrow with a harpoon should hang from its ends and a fish should hang from the other side. A hand of snails. Three small fish in charms. A cofa. sea ​​shells. A jar with Abbata’s secret.

How is it received?

You must be aware that this is received before its sister abbata, who represents his other part and who is older than him by 16 years of age. You must do the following:

you must not do holder orisha inle, since this is done through Yemaya. You must do a bronze doll and load it with lerí from Egun, the land of the four cardinal points, the land of the four roads, land of the cemetery, ashé boro (a type of seed similar to obí), ero, gold, silver, obí, osun, obí edun and I got motiwao. It is loaded and introduced into the river. He is given coconut to ask him what are you going to eat. Then you must take it to the four ways and in the center of them you place it and give it obí. take it to Ceiba to stay until the next day. To receive it, it is recommended to bring white meat, since this is what he likes to eat. When you receive it, you must be aware of remembering if you did it with both or one hand. If you did it one-handed, you can’t deliver it.

What is the saint’s suit?

Because he is a Major Orisha for his powers as a doctor and for protect fishermen helping them to get food and prosperity, their clothing seeks to reflect these qualities.

His outfit bears some resemblance to that of a worker who could be a doctor or farmer and uses the representative colors of the sun and water. This is also related to the closeness that she has towards the goddesses of the rivers and the sea, Yemayá and Oshún.

What are your colors?

Colors are widely used to represent emotions, sensations, tasks and even the powers possessed by deities. That is why when performing ceremonies, it is important to know them.


Note: To these colors, a combination or ornaments of snails are added to make a greater reference to its power.

What necklace does she have?

In this type of religion, the deities are characterized by having a necklace that provides protection and that distinguishes them from other deities for its color and accessories.

In this case, it is a necklace of seven corals with gold account or with a length of chain gold, an amber bead and fourteen blue stained glass. Depending on the possibilities, a silver or gold fish can hang from this necklace.

What are your adimu for him?

In this case, the offering is prepared on a tray and they are asked with the coconut which of the above adimu they want, for how many days and to which place it should be taken. But these must be presented to Aggayu before lighting two white candles.

Offerings are always important and necessary to be able to request what you want ask and pay that the deity be comfortable and feel well treated and received. The adimu are:

Panetelas drunk in syrup. Sweet wine. Sweet potato. Almonds oil. Watercress. Egg yolks in syrup. Lettuce. Fine sweets. Pumpkin balls. Grilled snapper or any other type of grilled fish that is decorated or accompanied with watercress. Orange. Eko. Tropical fruits. Raw or cooked yam.

If you are curious to know which is your favoriteWell, there are seven wheels of sweet potato roasted over charcoal and with honey on top and placed on a tray.

Note: remember to first ask with the coconut if the deity accepts the offering for what we are asking for.

How are your children?

The deities have children to whom they provide strong protection and are always there for defend them from all evil or anyone wants to hurt them, but these children have their characteristics. If you want to identify them, here I leave them:

Classified as people who are cold or who act cold. Discreet. expressionless. Smart. Lack of passion. Studious. undecided confused. Hypersensitive. Lack of courage. hypocrites. schizophrenic vicious. Dependents. They fulfill traditions. Easy to impress. With sanity.

Inle is characterized by being very familiar, since it is he who provides comfort to families, because is to cure any pain. That is why many people often resort to it.

What is your treaty?

When speaking of a treaty, it refers to the way in which the deity inside and outside the cultsince many have distinctive names with which they can be identified.

In this case, it may be known as a Orisha Mayor and Erinlé. As for syncretism, and transculturation made it known, at least in Cuba, with the name of a Catholic saint, which in this case is Archangel Rafael in Santeria.

This is a very interesting deity that you can know day by day, due to the amount of information and history that exists. So you have no excuses to get to know him thoroughly.

Being part of the religion Yoruba or SanteriaIt is important that you know this deity and others because it helps you get started in this type of cult. I hope this article has been of great help to you and that whenever you need it, you come back to read it.

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