If you are a faithful follower of Obatalá or Santeria and you are interested in knowing everything about the prayers to this deity. Then you are in the right place. Since in this article we will show you how to ask this saint both to get the love of your life and to protect you. In addition, you will know who is obatala with complete accuracy.
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Meet Obatala
First of all, to know Obatalá in depth you must take into account the following. He is the chief Orisha of all the other saints that exist on the existential plane. Batalá is the greatest orixá, the creator of the human being, of the earth and of everything that inhabits it.
Obatalá is the one who was destined to keep the universe in total harmony. Under the laws of nature and tranquility. This task was entrusted to him by Olofin and Olodumare (highest deities of Santeria). And because of this, the deity of Obatalá possesses great powers and attributes.
He is mainly known for being a big-hearted saint with humanity. Since he only seeks the best for all his children. In addition, it is the patron of the intellect and mind of the people. It is characterized by representing purity through its favorite color (white).
if you wonder what is asked of Obatalá, because your answer will be resolved in the following sections. Obatalá is offered or asked for various things. This can range from a simple desire to get love, to more complex things. Such as keeping your enemies out of your sight.
Prayer to Obatala
Prayers for the Orishas are of great importance. This is mainly because it is a special connection between the deity and its guide. A prayer is usually dedicated to Obatalá to venerate his figure. It is usually accompanied by white candles and it is performed on his altar. All this to provide a better environment.
One of the prayers dedicated to Obatalá is the following:«My father and great Osha, Obatalá, I call you, boss of bosses. You who reign the heavens and the earth and in turn You provide us with great love and protection. Come before your figure today to praise you. So that I never lack anything or the shadows take over me.
This brief prayer but of great importance, It will allow you to get closer to the Orisha Obatalá.
Prayer to Obatala for Love
People often have love problems throughout their lives. Obatalá’s children normally don’t have problems of this nature thanks to their father. However, if you do have them, You can always count on the following prayer:
«Patron among all the bosses, I call you, youyour kingdom is heaven, youor glory the hope. Fhey charity I keep in you, pfather of all saints of all that is good and of all that illuminates. Your emblem peace, dAlways give me wisdom to understand what I cannot. Grant me the right word for whoever wants to listen to it and lTo patience to be able to bear any pain.The tranquility of your spirit when anger wants to be my advisor and friend. your great blessing to endure with altitude lor that the universe would have given me. PBecause only I made it or let it.Father Obatalá protects my person now (name of your lover) dand night and day. And grant me her eternal love, to be able to be by her side. May all his energies be subjected to my will. Ashe». Although the general for this prayer is to accompany red candles (synonymous with love). Obatalá likes white ones more, because of the purity it emanates.
Prayer to Obatalá for Health and Protection
The next sentence touches on issues such as the personal safety of you and those close to you. As well as on the state of health they may have:
«My great father, the one who created everything that exists, Orisha of the Oshas. Chief of all good and pure things, you who give us infinite tranquility. Provide me with wisdom and temper to be able to overcome those obstacles. Which I will cross with your help and power.
Father Obatalá, take care of me and my family with total devotion. Protect me with your immense mantle if at any time I fail. May all the good energies in the universe, including the purest of all. May they rest in my soul and that of my relatives. And that the bad vibes that dare to lurk, be withdrawn ».
The physical and mental health and well-being of your loved ones. It always turns out to be a serious topic, so with the help of this prayer you can help yourself and fulfill this desire.
Prayer to Obatala for Money
Problems with money are a constant throughout the world. Some people are luckier than others when it comes to building personal wealth. For this reason, many resort to this prayer dedicated to Obatalá. The same below:
«magnificent Obatala
I come before you on my knees to beg you
that you be the one who puts before my gaze
the brilliance of all the constellations you have created,
so i can see all my paths lit
and thus be able to find the joy that we all seek.
I beg you to help me solve my financial problems. I implore your redeeming hand and that you help me bring the capital income to my home. because you are merciful to your children, I (your name), youI ask from the bottom of my heart. And with the greatest devotion of all that (explain specific request about money)”.
You can increase the effectiveness of said prayer with the offering of some food. Which must be especially pleasing to the deity. An example of them can be from an egg to rice pudding.
Prayer to Obatalá for the Enemies
Enemies abound in this life, so they will always be present at any stage. People who are children of Obatalá, or who wish to dedicate this prayer to him, should not worry about it. Since thanks to this prayer, Obatalá keeps them away from you.
«To you great Orisha of all, I ask you for the necessary clarity so that I can return
to see my paths full of light, with the purity of your candescent clarity
let your father open my paths
in order to move towards the future
of progress and prosperity.
I implore you to help me keep all my rivals at a distance. Preferably outside of my home and my spiritual life. Only you, with your incredible powers, can make me worthy of this prayer. Since you’re the only one I want entrust. I am your son, and I know that you will have mercy on me. Give me your friendly hand, and I will venerate you forever. Amen”.
Thanks to this prayer those bad intentions that your enemies possessed. They will be out of your spiritual reach. Then you shouldn’t worry about them anymore.
Prayer to Obatalá to Open Paths
Usually, people can get stuck at certain points in their lives. It is there where Obatalá acquires great relevance, since this can free you from all those complicated trails. In addition, if you wish, you can remove the obstacles.
Thanks to this, people can reach their goal that has cost them so much to obtain. Whatever the end of that path that you have managed to complete thanks to this prayer, we hope that it has been one that has a real and positive pact within society.
«Great Osha, Obatala
you who manage our bodies,
our thoughts and our lives,
you embrace us all with patience and love
and you bring us intelligence, peace and calm,
you who cover us from the problems
protect us and bless our steps.
These roads that belong to me, suddenly they darkened and closed. This is the reasonthat has driven me to despair. You who are the Divine Creator and you have put me in this world with all the traits necessary to be totally happy, I ask you for the necessary light to be able to return to see my ways illuminated and my routes in order to move towards the future of progress and prosperity.
(Describe what you want to acquire) May your kindness and your understanding Forgive my human failings. Besides that I can see your heart clearly, to be the star that points my way, and so I can find support To pick myself up from where I fell. I ask your blessing and I honor you as my father and my king.
Prayer to Obatala for Tranquility
Tranquility, or better known as peace, is the most traditional of all feelings. In other words, most people on the planet would like to live this way. If you consider yourself one of those people, and added to that you are the son of Obatalá. Then the following sentence is perfect for you:
“Patron of all patterns,
Your mandate is in heaven
your joy is hope
Orisha of all the Osha in the world.
Father of all the good, of all that is white. I come before you to help me with peace. Grant me peace of mind with every step my feet take, help me find the tranquility to see clearly. Everything my eyes avoid seeing cGrant me the gift of speech to be able to speak with greater precision, clarifying the problems ccover my body with tranquility To new destinations that life holds allows peace in order to carry each person the tranquility your great aura of light».
After reciting this brief prayer, but of great power. You can begin to experience various increases in serenity in your day to day.