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“ᐈ Osain 【Who is, Offerings, Children and MORE】”

Osain He is of great importance as Orisha within the Yoruba religion, since he was one of those chosen by Olodumare for the formation of the universe, and to whom he gave the responsibility of guarding all the herbal components that nature has to give.

Its value lies in the fact that its wisdom in terms of plants and herbs, offered by nature, are vital to provide divine condition with all qualities used in the Osha rituals, for which reason the intelligence of the Ossainists is essential and irreplaceable.

Ozain: Who is it?

Osain He is another of the Orishas, ​​he is nature itself and as such he directs it, he is the master of the mountain. He is located on the right side of the body of humans. with his wisdom Osain save lives, fortify for combat, and ward off death.

He is a doctor, master and a scholar of all the mysteries of nature. He is specialized in the topic of animals, minerals and herbs. He is a prophet Orisha.

Completely all the Orishas and Oshas have a Osainhe must be trusted for all delivery, because herbs and plants are always used in these rituals.

The sons of Osain They are called Adajunshe.

He lives alone in the middle of the forest, he has one big and one small ear (this is where he listens), one arm, one leg and one eye. Their veneration comes from Yesá, Oyó and Yesá land.

This saint is not made directly to the head, his service is exclusive to the Oloshas and Babalawos, they receive it but never give it. The people who swear in Osain They are named Ossainistas, and they must know about the faculties of the Ewes and the songs that are used to make the omieros in the Yogo Osha.

The faithful who receive Osaincan be both men and women, however, women must wait until their menopause process to receive it and contribute to their rituals.

Osain He is the one who guards the Batá drums. The one who gets everything good for Orula. His full name is Osain Aguenegui Aguaddo and Kurí Kurí. He is considered a great friend of Oshosi and Oggún, due to his connection with the flora.

It is syncretized in the following Catholic saints:

San Benito. S. Ramon Nonato. Saint Anthony Abbot. S. Jose. San Silvestre.

To have the authority of Ifá, similar to OsainOdduduwa, Orun, among others, is a very important choice and requires care, which is not required simply by consulting Diloggun or Okpele.

Normally Orula is the one who orders to receive the powers of Ifá, which happens when going through the rite of the Hand of Orula.

In such a way, that the saint can be received without haste, asking Orula when it can be received, and that Orun or u be marked as a symbol. Osainbeing this the one that indicates if I could receive it at once.

However, he can answer that it is not necessary to receive the saint immediately, in reality what is marked is that it will accompany the person at some point in life.

There is the possibility that with some signs, the person is shown through the Hand of Orula, who must receive other divinities such as: Olokum, Orishaoko, Ota de Ellegguá, etc.

Osain It cannot be received without the consent of Orunmila, everyone should not start in it, since it is a very susceptible Orisha.

The faithful who wants to be initiated into Osainmainly you have to get the necessary general information from it, take care of it and devote yourself to it properly, and then go on with the initiation.

Osain Treaty

The person who wants to start as an Ossainista, must know and analyze in detail the Treaty of Osain. The ancient wisdom about the Ewe (herbs), and all the herbal elements used in Santeria, are compiled in that encyclopedic book.

This text consists of 3 volumes, where specific and different elements of each herb used in spiritual ceremonies are established, in the same way the prayers and prayers that are said to energetically enhance the work done, be it purification or healing.

The book establishes, together with the Ifá Treatise, a writing of indispensable support for the superior priests of Ifá, since they are the ones in charge of studying it and being able to put it into practice for the benefit of their godchildren, and all people in need. in acquiring healing help from Santeria through herbs.

Offerings to Osain

Among the offerings that are given to Osain are the following:

The Elekes, which are made with green gutters. tobacco. The Ewe (herbs) are absolutely all sticks and plants from the bush. Talking birds, the griffin rooster, jicotea (turtle) and goats are sacrificed.

To cater for Osain, you can give guinea pepper, liqueur, roasted corn and Kola nut. The person making the offering must kneel with one leg, and the prepared remedies are placed in the Osun of Osainfor you to take.

It is important to highlight that to attend to this Orisha, an individual with the necessary wisdom about the offering must do so, since otherwise it could harm the person a lot.

Characteristics of their Children

in the characteristics of Osain are those mentioned below:

Their names are: Ossain, Ozain, Osain. Her greeting is: Ashé! Osain, moguayé Number: It is seven and its multiples. Green color. Day of the week: Friday.

The sons of Osain They have great maturity and are judicious. His appreciation of life is unquestionable, rather it is transparent and practical. They do not let their feelings dominate their infallible opinion about events and the actions of men.


the ways of Osain are named below:

The Osain Molé path. Osain Seka. The Osain Bemarun road. Osain Age. The Osain Getema road. Osain Tunesé. The Osain Ajube road. Osain Fumage. The Osain Dompé path. Osain Tola. The Osain Oguniké path. Osain Oloogun. The Osain Obióta path. Osain Beremi. The Osain Bi path. Osain Ra.

Osain’s tools

The attributes of Osain consist of:

A güiro (totuma) container, which hangs with 4 feathers. A jicotea (turtle) shell. Several tubs made of mud, which have three stones. He lives with Shango and feeds on everything he eats. The Marimbó (his main instrument), made with tender palm guides. As secret charges it has: Land of the 4 corners. Black ants (bibijaguero). Turtle (jicotea). Talking birds. Quail. Essences of all resistant sticks. Filing of different metals. Mercury. 4 hooks. Silver coins. Gold. Water: From wells, the sea, streams, rivers, springs, lakes, etc.


Once upon a time there was a lame, one-eyed and defective individual, but he was also wise about the mysteries of herbs, their uses and functions, in the same way he knew about the language of birds and all the animals that inhabit the forest, he lived in the land of the Africans.

His house was modest, and even when people asked him for medicinal advice to alleviate their ailments or for some of his witchcraft and thus end their suffering, they paid him very little, for this reason, he did not eat well and lived in precarious conditions.

When Orula found out that this man existed, he began to travel all the mountains of the Congo to get it. But one day in the distance he saw a ranch and walked towards it, and tried to find something to feed on it. A poor handicapped man with a stammering voice told him to come in and offered him food and coffee.

The prophet, despite the gloom of the place, managed to visualize cauldrons and pans with sticks inside, as well as covers hanging from the ceiling, decorated with the plumage of different birds, and he had no more doubts that that man was the sorcerer he was looking for. .

They had a very long conversation, but Orula did not hide his anger at the state in which that individual lived. She offered him to go with him to live in Ifé, first so that he could improve his quality of life, and second so that through his wisdom he could help human beings.

It was then that Osain He expressed the need that he had for a long time to leave that place, however, he had not had the possibility. From that moment he went to live with Orula, and there he enjoyed good food, clean clothes and was immensely happy.

Within the magical-religious conception that defines the Yoruba religion, it is evident that by providing a spiritual and mystical condition to each of the plants that nature gives, fulfilling Osain as the superior sage of its benefits at the level of energy and spirituality for humans.

Today everything that is known about herbalism has a reason for being, since the potions and medicines that the grandmother prepares have been maintained over the years because they are an ancient custom.

If you want to know more about this wise Orisha, enter here.

If you want to know more Orishas in Depth, you can not miss the following articles:

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